“Femdom Thugs”
In the years preceding the Matriarchal Revolution the seeds of Gynarchic philosophy and politics were taking root in the minds of women.
With the angry ebullience of youth young women burned with the needs to shed the shackles of patriarchy and take control of the world taken to the brink of ruin by stupid, stupid males. Those most impatient for changes became “Femdom thugs,” member of what were labeled Gynarchic Gangs.
The Gynarchic Gangs were called terrorists. Blaming them for crimes never committed only bred real lawlessness. For sport and in revenge the angry young women abducted men from streets and even their homes.
Blinded folded or hooded the men were tormented by the “Femdom thugs.” Genital Electro-Shock was a popular entertainment. Eventually the men were released. The men suffered no permanent physical damage. Some never recovered from the shock.
Even though the Matriarchy came to be established by more pacific and traditional means the Gynarchic Gangs are remember by many as heroic revolutionaries.
Gynarchic Gangs
Female Led Relationships - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle