Enforced Male Orgasm Denial Regulations
- The Mistress Owner will have complete ownership and control of the penis.
- The Mistress Owner will decide if and when the penis will be allowed to ejaculate. She may deny giving permission for any period at her sole discretion.
- The Mistress Owner may hint at or even promise relief, but in most all cases change her mind later and refuse.
- The Mistress Owner will decide the method used to cause the penis to ejaculate. She may, for example, have the Submale masturbate in her presence, or She may choose Her preferred method applied by Her or Her designee.
- The Submale is not permitted to ask for any sexual favors, such as rubbing of the penis, insertion into any animate or inanimate objects (except as described below), licking or sucking unless directed or initiated by the Mistress Owner. 10
- The Submale is not permitted to touch the penis without permission, except to shave his penis and balls under the Mistress Owner’s supervision. The Submale must keep his genitals free of hair at all times.
- The Submale will wear a chastity belt when ordered by Mistress Owner. Wearing the chastity belt symbolizes the Mistress Owner’s absolute domination and control of the penis.
- Submale is responsible for daily cleaning of device.
- Submale will notify the Mistress Owner immediately of any concerns regarding function or cleanliness of device.
- The Mistress Owner will supervise at least one removal of device in a seven-day period for cleaning and shaving.
- Submale agrees to all terms of release as set forth by Mistress Owner, including restraints if deemed necessary.
- Submale agrees that during release for cleaning he will shave accordingly to keep genital area free from hair.
- Submale agrees that he will immediately re-secure device after all cleanings unless specifically ordered not to by Mistress Owner.
- Submale will not attempt to defeat the device in any way or possess any keys.
- Mistress Owner will make one emergency key available to Submale for use in medical emergency, doctor appointments, and any other situation in which excessive bodily harm may be present to Submale.
- Submale agrees that in such emergency he will notify Mistress Owner immediately and that no sexual release is permitted. If self-release is attempted and/or carried out, punishment as outlined in the contract will be applied.
- Submale agrees that once medical condition has been rectified Submale will re-secure device immediately and notify Mistress Owner of said action.
- Submale acknowledges and agrees that Mistress Owner has certain sexual needs that may need fulfilled and such releases for Mistress Owner do not constitute a release for Submale.
- Submale agrees to immediately and enthusiastically satisfy Mistress Owner by any and all means Mistress Owner requests for sexual and sensual gratification. 10
- Submale agrees that sexual releases may be accompanied by being restrained as determined by Mistress Owner.
- Submale agrees that Mistress Owner may release Submale for the means of sexual play but that no orgasm is permitted unless Mistress Owner specifically permits one.
- Submale must always ask for permission to ejaculate. 20
- Submale agrees to use any sexual aids such as (but not limited to) strap-ones, vibrators, dildos, and other artificial aids to satisfy Mistress Owner.
- Your rules start here. Have any?
Mistress Owner / Submale Chastity Agreement
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