A few years ago a noted physicist equated popular science books and elementary science education with telling lies to children. Since most people don’t know the specialized mathematics, arcane measurements and abstruse tests behind most advanced scientific theories they after reading a book or taking a couple of science courses are under the sad impression that they know far, far more than they do.
Take this:
To create a male, a copy of the Female template, the Mother’s body must recognise the broken chromosome present within the male’s sperm which has entered Her body. A Woman’s chromosomes are XX. Two perfectly formed shapes which convey Her characteristics to the fetus. The male’s chromosomes can either be XX (thus ensuring a Female birth) or XY (conferring his damage to the fetus and causing a male). An X chromosome has all four “limbs” stemming form the central nexus. The Y has three limbs stemming form the center, the fourth one having been sheared off. A Y is nothing more than a broken or damaged, mutated X. It is the male of the species which confers sex to the offspring because damage results from damage, not from Perfection. Once the damaged chromosome is identified, the Female body bathes the developing fetus in hormones which halt the development of Female characteristics and force the formation of the inferior male structures.
“You *are* the Weakest Link! Goodbye!” and the baby is consigned to the role Nature designed for it. Observe the human body and you will see that the male form contains within it the structures of the Female, but mutated, withered and/or altered.
Many people repeat this weird balderdash and variations because it – in their minds – justifies zany theories of female supremacy.
One can only imagine what a gifted geneticist like Richard Dawkins would think of he encountered this.
Originally posted 2008-11-08 21:38:43.
XY Chromosomes as a Basis for Female Supremacy
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle