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Lifestyle Submissive Male Rules & Regulations


By Mistress Christianna

1. The submale must always practice traditional courtesy which men have shown Women in polite society, whether in private or public. Stand when She enters the room. Sit (or kneel) as soon as She is seated.

2. Be totally attentive: open doors, wait at table so that She begins eating first, always ask permission to leave Her presence.

3. The submale should never speak unless spoken to, or unless anticipating the needs of his Mistress.

4. The submissive will never sit with legs spread or slouch in a way typical of untrained males. Good posture and decorum is a sign of respect.

5. The submale will never stare at a Woman without Her permission. Unless the Woman seeks eye-contact, the submissive will keep his eyes lowered at all times.

6. When walking with his Mistress, or any Woman, the submissive will keep his gait in step with hers, which usually means taking smaller steps. The submale should always be at least a step behind; but not too far, because he must open all doors.

7. Respect is shown by a submissive as long as he never fails to forget his lowly role in life. The submissive must always be pleasant, never argue and never pout.

THE submale’s NAME

8. The submale should be given a new name by his Mistress to symbolize his submissive state. If the submale is a sissy, it should be a feminine name. Other names may be “made up” words that sound humiliating or which are amusing or pleasing to the Mistress; for example, names typical of pet dogs or cats.

THE submale’s BODY

9. A submale surrenders control to his Mistress. He surrenders control of his body, how he spends his time, how he dresses, what he eats, where he sleeps, the friends or acquaintances he is allowed to keep. In all aspects, the Mistress controls the submale.

10. Because a submale’s purpose is to please his Mistress, more than anything else She owns, he must learn to control his response to sexual stimulation for the greater enjoyment of his Mistress. his orgasm is the only that the submale has left to control for himself. Failure to control his orgasm is disobedience. Disobedience requires punishment.

11. If the Mistress prefers simply to torment the submale and deny him release, then the submale must control himself to provide Her than pleasure. He must dedicate himself to abstinence and thank his Mistress humbly for removing the pleasure of ejaculation, thus allowing him to dedicate his lost pleasure to Her.

12. If the Mistress demands satisfaction through sexual intercourse, the submale must be able to control effectively his own orgasm so that it is timed to the pleasure of his Mistress. His purpose is not to please himself but to please Her.

13. In all cases, the submale must remember that his orgasm does not belong to him — his orgasm belongs to his Mistress. It is Hers to use, however she sees fit.

14. The submale should be as clean-shaven as the Mistress requires: from the top of his head to his toes, body hair should be present only if the Mistress allows it.

15. The submale may wear long hair, styled to imitate the superior styles of Women, only if the Mistress permits.

16. The submale may never touch his own genitals without the permission of his Mistress. When washing, he must use a washcloth or brush, never his hands.

17. The submale will allow himself to be pierced or tattooed as required by his Mistress, if safely and professionally done.


18. The submale is the personal property of the Mistress. his possessions are Her possessions.

19. The submissive should always be saving to purchase “big ticket” items that his Mistress wants to buy. This means the submale is always on a strict allowance, kept by his Mistress.


20. Feminization is training in submission. Wearing items of Feminine attire separates the submissive from and puts him outside of the world of the macho male. Wearing feminine attire doesn’t make the male like a Woman; this is impossible.

21. Standard attire is pink or white panties, an extra-absorbent pad (normally used by those suffering from incontinence), and panty hose worn under male clothing.

22. Whether a woman knows what the submissive is wearing or not, feminization pushes the submissive closer to the company of women and away from the company of men. This is good for the submale, because it creates greater opportunities for him to be of help to Women, to serve them, and to model his behavior on their own superior behavior.

23. Feminine items can also be used as punishment — corsets, girdles and foundations. These should be selected by the Mistress for maximum discomfort.

24. If the submale is a sissy or TV, very feminine clothing should be reserved for rewards; drudge clothing — plain white panties, plain lingerie, housecoats, aprons, etc. — should be required as normal attire.

25. The submale should never buy his own clothing without the guidance of his Mistress. He should buy what pleases her, not what he likes.


26. The submissive will use only Feminine hygiene products: soaps, shampoos, lotions, deodorants, etc. and will be clean and properly groomed at all times.

27. The submale will submit to enemas, or self-administer enemas, on demand by the Mistress.

28. When urinating, the submale will always sit on the toilet; no exceptions.

29. For good health, the submissive will enroll in a dance aerobics class. As an alternative, the submale will prepare his own dance aerobics routine and perform it for his Mistress for Her amusement.

30. The submale must diet as required to maintain a correct weight for his height and should drink at least six 12-ounce glasses of water each day.

31. The submale must submit to eating only “submale food” selected by his Mistress whenever she requires it.


32. When a meal is over the submale must be quick to clear the table and wash the dishes.

33. The submale must always give his Mistress the first choice of everything — She picks the section of the paper to read first, the channel on TV to watch, the restaurant to go to, the movie to see, the friends to entertain, etc.

34. The submissive must always keep his own quarters spotless, as directed by the Mistress. All furnishings and interior decoration will follow Her taste.

35. The submale will perform all household chores for the Mistress, to include:

  • sweep and vacuum all floors and carpets
  • mop and was all floors
  • dust and polish all furniture
  • make the beds every day
  • wash and fold all clothing and linens
  • iron
  • handwash all lingerie
  • scrub bathrooms
  • clean kitchen
  • cook simple meals; assist in all cooking
  • wash dishes and put them away
  • set the table
  • shop for groceries and put them away
  • take out trash and sort recycled items
  • run all errands as directed
  • perform yard work; plant flowers as directed

Lifestyle Submissive Male Rules & Regulations
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle

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