I’m going to let you in on a Startling Femdom Secret!
MsX with whom I was exchanging a few emails wrote:
Sometimes I’m so tired of these labels (a sentiment I *know* you sympathise with). I just want to find someone who I enjoy and am attracted to, who is able to commit and communicate – and who feels the same about me
The secret? It has taken countless hours of research, reading weblogs by dominant women, visiting F/m forums.
There are plenty of dominant women looking for the right partner. Partner may seem too neutral a word but each is variously looking for a submissive or perhaps a slave. BDSM might be only now and then, a bit every evening or some form of lifestyle D/s. Or just a play partner. But I’m thinking of the women looking for a kinky boyfriend or lover.
Each dominant woman is as individual as any woman. But she has special needs that can make even her search more complicated than the norm.
You can read my How to Woo a Domme Online but I’ll give you a concentrated dose of advice.
Don’t invent forum names like pantyworm4u. She’d rather hear from Fred. Or a guy who’s handle reflects a non-fetish interest or is a clever joke.
Don’t PM or IM her saying “want u 2 crush my nuts” and certainly not “want u 2 crush my nuts while I sing the Star Spangled Banner and you wear a maroon miniskirt.”
Even if you are looking for a short-term kink playmate that isn’t the way to approach someone who is supposed to hold the power.
Much less a woman who for some reason decided that she is a person and would like to meet the same.
Fill out your profile dammit! And try to say more than “I’m a sissy painwhore who likes to do housework.” Well, if you are really keen on sweeping floors that might be OK. (Heck you can write to me: I hate housework.) Mention your interests and hobbies (which hopefully exceed watching television).
The essence is: be a person, be as polite as you are in real life (and if need be learn some manners). Treat her like a person.
Or hire a professional. She may not be interested in you but may take lively pleasure in spending your money.
Given that dominant women are uncommon it is mighty surprising that good submissive men can be hard for some – nice, kind, smart – women to find.
Go and sin no more! Or rather sin the right way.
This could go on forever. Share your suggestions, tales of woe or funny stories.
Originally posted 2012-05-27 05:30:11.
Dominant Women : Who Are They Looking For?
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle