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Other World Kingdom Male Slave Contract


The Other World Kingdom was somewhere between Matriarchal state and Femdom resort. It is defunct now. Below is a contract between a Mistress (Sublime Lady) and slave.

Official Slavery Contract of OWK


The Other World Kingdom (OWK) is a private state, founded upon the principle of a slave-holding Matriarchal Monarchy.

The OWK is governed on the basic principle that the WOMAN is always, everywhere and in everything, superior to the male creature.

A WOMAN in the OWK has the undeniable right to own and use slaves.

Scope of Contract

By signing this contract the male creature slave becomes a slave under the Laws of OWK. The slave becomes immediately, fully, irrevocably and unconditionally, the property of the Sublime Lady

By signing this Contract all assets, movable and real property, hitherto owned by the slave, become the property of the Sublime Lady.

This contract is a binding agreement which defines in specific terms the relationship and interaction between two parties, hereafter termed the Sublime Lady (Owner) and slave (male creature). This agreement is legal and binding under the Laws of OWK.

This agreement must be entered voluntarily by both parties, and can be terminated solely under the conditions stated in ? 10.

The signing hereof is the last act of free will of the slave. The slave is understood as a creature who on the basis of his voluntary decision , made in writing, has relinquished all human rights to the benefit of his Lady Owner. The slave is therefore no longer considered to be a human being, but rather a component of the personal property of his Lady Owner.

Rights and duties of the Sublime Lady

The Sublime Lady is free of any duties vis-a-vis the slave whatsoever

The Sublime Lady is free to use, abuse and exploit the slave for any work and activities, aimed for her well-being and benefit, or those of any third party.

The Sublime Lady is free to punish the slave at any time and in any manner.

The Sublime Lady is free to lend, lease, sell or bequeath the slave to any third party.

The Sublime Lady is not bound by any marital duties.

The Sublime Lady accepts the responsibility of the slave’s body and soul.

The Sublime Lady acknowledge the transfer of all assets and income to her from the slave.

The Sublime Lady agrees to care for the slave, as long as she owns it.

Rights and duties of the slave

The slave has no rights whatsoever.

The slave agrees to submit completely to the Sublime Lady in all ways. There are no boundaries in place, time, or situation in which the slave may refuse to obey the directive of the Sublime Lady without risking punishment.

The slave agrees that, once entered into the Slavery Contract, its body and soul belongs to the Sublime Lady, to be used as she decides, within the guidelines defined herein.

All of the slave’s possessions belong to the Sublime Lady, including all moveable assets, real property, finances, and material goods, to do with it as she sees fit.

The slave agrees to please the Sublime Lady to the best of its ability, in that they now exist solely for the pleasure of said Sublime Lady.

The slave is obliged to obey and perform any command, instruction or order given by the Owner.

The slave shall have to suffer the infliction of any punishment upon him by the Owner or ordered by the Owner.

The slave is not allowed to make any decisions.

The slave is obliged to do his utmost to cater for the comfort, well-being and care free life of the Owner to the best of his knowledge and belief.


The slave agrees to accept any punishment the Sublime Lady decides to inflict, by any reason or whim.

The Crime Law of OWK, Law no 4, regulating the behavior, punishment and punishment scale for a male creature, is applicable on this slavery contract. Decree 3B Governing rules of behavior for slaves is applicable on this contract.

Rules of Punishment

Punishment of the slave must not lead to permanent bodily harm. Treatment of the slave must not cause any permanent health problems or risk for permanent health problems.

Permanent changes of the slave’s body

Permanent bodily changes of the slaves body is not regarded as such a permanent bodily harm stated in ?6.

The Sublime Lady can decide to make permanent bodily changes to the slave’s body to be announced to the slave 3 months in advance. The bodily changes is i.e. a piercing, tattoo or branding, in order to make it more obvious that this male creature is a slave.

If the slave does not accept the changes immediately he will be sent to OWK for a punishment stay until he accepts.

Slavery contract versus third party

The slave is not allowed to seek any other Lady or lover or relate to others in any sexual way without the Sublime Lady`s permission. To do so will be considered a breach of contract, and will result in extreme punishment.

The Sublime Lady may accept other male and female lovers, mistresses, slaves or slavegirls.

The slave has no right to a sexual life. Occassional sexual gratification can be granted, as a big honour on the decision of Sublime Lady, but always in connection with humiliating circumstances.

The Sublime Lady is free to give the slave to other Ladies, provided the rules of this contract are upheld. In such a situation, the Sublime Lady will inform the new Lady of the provisions stated herein.

Alteration of Contract

This contract is an official slavery contract according to the Laws of OWK and can only be altered through a mutual agreement between the Sublime Lady and the Queen of the OWK

Termination of Contract

This contract may be terminated at any time by the Sublime Lady, but never by the slave.

If the Sublime Lady terminates the contract the slave will become a state slave of OWK and as such be owned by the Queen of OWK.

The Queen can keep the slave as a state slave or decide to sell the male creature on the next slave auction, regulary held in OWK.

The contract is made for the indefinite time and expires by the death of the slave.

Premature termination hereof by the slave shall not be possible under any circumstances.

Security for the contract

After signing the contract the slave is no longer a human being. He is a slave according to the Laws of OWK. The slave shall be totally depending on his Lady Owner.

Other legal systems can be in conflict with the legal status of the slave in OWK.C The slave is obliged to seek arrangements which makes his status in other legal systems most similar to his status in OWK.

The slave is obliged to, through legal actions in his homecountry, transfer all property, moveable or real, to the Owner. All income is immediately to be transferred to the Owner’s bankaccounts.

As another security of this contract’s enforcement and execution, the slave transfers to the Owner all copyrights to photos, films etc, exposing the slave in his true nature, including the right to publish that material.

If the securities stated in this section are not properly transferred to the Owner, the Sublime Lady can file an accusation to the State Court of OWK. The State Court will hand over the slave to the Investigating organs of OWK, stated in ?37 of Crime Law. The Investigating organs are allowed to use torture until a confession is made and acceptance from the slave is in hand, to take the legal actions required in this section.

Dispute under this contract

Only the Sublime Lady can file any complaints against this slavery contract, through an accusation to the Civil Court in OWK. The case will be trialed in the first possible courtsession.

Breach of ?11 in this contract is considered as a criminal act against OWK, the accusation is filed to the State Court because of the aggravating circumstances, and the investigating organs of the State Court is needed.

Real Slavery in OWK

The Lady Owner is free to decide, within her own discretion, as a contribution to the OWK, to put the slave into Real Slavery in the OWK. The slave will be obliged to work in the OWK as a real slave under the conditions stated on OWK internet homepage.

During the period of real slavery in the OWK the conditions in this contract in general and specially the conditions stated in 8 ? and 6 ?, regarding no permanent harm or other health risks, are valid. The timeperiod will be decided by the Owner in cooperation with OWK.

Identification of slave

The slave shall be marked with a tattoo on his left ass cheek, stating the name of Lady Owner together with the number of the slave in IRS, International Registry of Slaves. If the Sublime Lady has a Coat of Arms, the Owner is instead recommended to tattoo the slave with the Coat of Arms. Marked like that it is always possible to see the slaves origin.

Final provisions

The contracting parties herewith declare to hold the provisions hereof for absolutely binding and undertake not to question any at any time in the future.

Any other relations between the parties, not explicitly regulated herein shall be governed by the Owner.

This contract is prepared in two original documents, of which the Sublime Lady received one.

The other original is held by the Queen of OWK.

This contract will be registered as an Official Slavery Contract of OWK and kept in the public archives of OWK as a proof of absolute ownership of the slave.

A copy of this contract will be published in the International Registry of Slaves(IRS)

Slave’s Signature

I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety.

I agree to give everything I own to Sublime Lady F and further I accept her claim of ownership over my physical body and my soul.

I understand that I will be commanded, trained and punished as a slave.

I promise to be true and to fulfill the pleasures and desires of the Sublime Lady F to the best of my abilities.

I understand that I cannot withdraw from this contract under any circumstances.

Signature: ____________

Sublime Lady’s Signature

I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety.

I agree to accept this slave as my property, his body, soul and all his possessions owned hitherto by him, and to care for him as a true slave.

This slave shall be used ,abused and will have to earn every single favor.

I understand that I can withdraw from this contract at any time.

Signature: ____________

The Queen’s Signature

This slavery contract is signed in an Offical Ceremony in OWK in front of The Queen of OWK, the signed contract is absolutely binding according to the Laws of OWK

Signature: ____________

Stamp and seal of OWK.

Withness of signing

Signature: ____________

Member of Queens Guard

Signature: ____________

Member of Queens Guard

Slavery contract number ______________

Slavery contract will be filed in official archives over ownership of slaves.

While the Other World Kingdom no longer exist as a physical place there is still a OWK website.

The post Other World Kingdom Male Slave Contract appeared first on Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle.

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