(A man expresses his faith in the superiority of women.)
i believe that Women are naturally more intelligent, as well as much more logical, and obviously more nurturing and Dominant than any man could ever try to be. Most men are faking it or trying to ‘compensate’ if they try to be Dominant. Most men are at heart, cowards who will simply beat their chest and scream loudly to try to get noticed. Women do not need to do this. A Woman can enter a room and easily entrance everyone therein with Her beauty and natural grace.
Like many in the world today, i grew up in a home that was destroyed by the man. my father left us when i was about ten years old, and prior to him leaving, there were constant fights and arguments and a lot of tension in the home. It was almost a relief when he finally vanished out of our lives, but at the same time, as the only male in the home, my Mother and sister were obviously very resentful and took much of their angst and frustration out on me, (rightfully so). They taught me to truly worship and appreciate Women in all they do and go through in their lives, and how truly self-centered, pathetic and worthless men truly are.
my experience is not the only one, as there are millions of worthless men all through the world that will say anything and everything to a Lady, just to take her to bed, and leave Her soon after. This is the lowest form of life… someone who is so concerned about self-gratification that he doesn’t think about how many lives he ruins in the process.
The male doesn’t bother to take responsibility feeling that it is the Women problem now.
While its true, that there ARE some more responsible males in the world… for the most part, they still do not equal the power, wisdom, or intelligence that any Woman has. There is no compare for all They do, and endure on a regular basis.
Its simple to look at history, and all the failings of men, and all the violence and wars created, including all the blood that has been spilled by men. Ironically, these men often will do or act in this manner, over a Woman. So much violence has been caused by one man ‘claiming’ a Woman, and another man challenging him. Basically acting like spoiled children in a playground over something they have NO right to in the first place.
Women generally i do not think would go to war or fight over foolishness like this. i think for the most part, if there are problems or issues, Women would work things out between themselves, which is something no prideful man would ever consider. Unfortunately, men are raised and groomed to be very prideful creatures, which often gets in the way of ‘real’ thinking. The usual joke about men not wanting to stop and ask for directions is a perfect example. men do not want to think of themselves as ‘less’ than they build themselves up to be in their own mind.
If i may also point out the general endurance and hardships a Woman is able to put up with, that would essentially bring any man to his knees.
Every five days out of the month for most of her life, a Woman has to endure the discomfort of experiencing Her period. There is no way a man could ever truly understand what a Lady has to go through every month, but its something that men have zero compassion or understanding for… and yet a Woman continues on with Her every day life, accepting the biological changes Her body is making.
The typical man can barely handle a stomach flu without heavily medicating himself, and laying down to avoid the entire world for a week before considering getting out of bed to put forth any practical effort into the world.
Beyond that, let us look at the miracle of childbirth. Something that Women have done since the dawn of time… and they survive it generally, and are able to do it again and again. Men are inferior in the fact that not only do they NOT have the ability to give birth… they could not endure the pain involved, nor do they have the responsibility to care for the offspring (as mentioned above).
In the end, Women’s bodies are so much more complex and detailed than men’s bodies. This is the biological proof of Their perfection. Much more effort is put into their forms, so therefore, men should ideally worship this perfect form.
Of course, beyond the biological, there is the physical as well. Women traditionally have been made into beautiful works of art. Paintings and sculptures throughout the centuries have all been highly regarded, and the majority of them are appreciated, because they are representations of the perfect being… a Woman.
This is another way Women are far superior to men, just in their beauty and the efforts they put in to maintain this perfection. Women will be artists as they apply makeup, however a man is far to lazy and arrogant to ever consider anything like this. A man will be lucky if he washes his face and shaves. But Women can spend time perfecting their ‘art’ over the years of their life, and create such soft smooth features by arranging the right lines and colors and textures along the pallet of their features, easily accentuating what is already there.
Women also will endure everything from complex garments, including heels, pantyhose/stockings, corsets, garters, bras and other finely developed outfits, all to enhance the beauty They posses. As a general rule, men once again prove their laziness by not bothering to make more of an effort than jeans and t-shirts. The simple fact is they have no concept of how to properly dress themselves.
One of the biggest problems males have, is simply the amount of testosterone in their bodies. Again, Women have a much more complex balance of hormones, but men simply have too much. With all this testosterone in their bodies, it makes them much more aggressive and brutal in general. Basically a man is almost always ‘looking’ for a fight. Some men are able to temper these feelings and have been trained to behave to live in modern society, but in general, many wars, brawls, and altercations would have been prevented if Women were simply to keep males in check and on a tight leash.
This is easily proven by how quickly a mans aggression level lowers after any type of castration. my Mother and Sister both liked this concept a great deal and talked about having it done to me on a regular basis. She felt they just get in the way… not only with simple things like dressing, but in more complex physical and emotional ways as well. In the end, it was not done, but it would have made me a much better behaved male in a Female dominated society.
When i moved to Florida, i was fortunate enough to be allowed to serve a Mistress who was a firm believer in chastity. She felt that every male should be in chastity when they turn 10 years old. males have no ability to control their ‘urges’, and prove on a regular basis how inferior they are to Women by everything as simple as obsessing about pornographic material, to the ache and need to constantly touch themselves, all the way to much more violent crimes such as rape.
Female superiority is very obvious when compared to a males sex drive. While a Female does have ‘urges’ and desires, She is able to keep them under check and take advantage when able to. A typical male needs a device locked on to prevent him from doing something foolish at the wrong time, or to prevent him from focusing on his own needs instead of Others.
A typical Woman has no need for such a device, because they naturally have much more control over their desires and urges. Women have the instinct to know what is more important and what should take priority and what can wait for a better time.
The most important thing to note from all this, is that is not so much that women need to be, (and naturally SHOULD be) in control… as much as it should be human nature that men should be restrained and kept in very close check by the more in control, nurturing and more civilized Woman.
For many years now, men have tried to desperately ‘beat down’ Women by trying to take away their rights and try to prove they are superior, but on a regular basis, a strong powerful intelligent Woman will come along and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, that once again, the man is wrong.
Psychologically, Women always come out on top, (as they should be). If One looks at the number of serial killers comprised of men, and the number of serial killers comprised of Women, this is one of the times that men should hang their heads in deep shame. The men will always prove they are more mentally screwed up than Women. And yet on a regular basis, men create excuses and reasons to try to claim Women are the ones messed up in the head. And yet, why are the prisons filled with many more male prisoners than Women? Why are there so many more men on death row than Women?
Its very clear to see. Women are naturally more nurturing and logical beings. They are truly the one pure form that men could only pray to be… instead have to accept the opportunity to grovel at Their feet and do the best they can to please as often as they can. It is sad though how many men just don’t know this or see it ever.
i personally often imagine a perfect Amazonian type of world, where men are only collared and live to serve and worship the Women in all their glory and perfect beauty, no matter how old, or how young, how big or how small. All Women should be put so high on a pedestal, and every males eyes lowered as they are not worthy to look upon Their beauty.
i think some men, when properly trained and conditioned can be useful parts of society and assist Women, but so many men should simply be castrated to help society be a better place.
Of course i do not have all the answers, because i am only a male myself. i will always accept the decision of a Woman to what should be done or how society should operate.
i can only pray that Hillary Clinton is able to win the next election and at the very least, America can be under the power of a strong intelligent Woman and no longer ruled by male dictatorship. In a perfect world, She will be able to gather together the other Female Leaders of this world, and begin to truly recognize where the ultimate problem is… which is the male gender.
If we are truly lucky… maybe one day the religions of the world will be replaced by some form of Matriarchal religion as well, where men can go and truly worship Women in all their perfect glory.
Unfortunately, this perfect world is a very long way away, and for now, all men can do is try to do their best to serve Women any way that they can, in a very imperfect society. Maybe little by little, maybe one man at a time, each Woman of the world will be able to put a man properly in his place… but it will not happen overnight.
(Old Usenet post.
Originally posted 2012-10-14 06:38:07.
I Believe Women Are Better Than Men,
Female Led Relationships - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle