Channel: Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle
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Vampire Vampira Dominatrix

Given that women are most often thought of as nurturers I’m surprised that in female domination – at least the imaginations of submissive men – they often take on the quality of psychosexual vampires.

Surely that wasn’t how the guys saw their mothers?

I suspect this begins in the early or mid teens. When the hormones kick in and the difference between what the body wants and most people can accomplish becomes oppressive. It is in the male’s teenage years that he is apt to develop such weird and un pleasant images of womanhood.

Perhaps – in a general, not just F/m sense – the greatest reason to hope our society eventually matures in the handling of things sexual.

Originally posted 2008-06-05 11:25:58. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

Female Led Relationships - Dominant Women, Submisive Men, Female Supremacy, Woman Worship, Wifedom

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