If in the future men become a higher form of livestock the transition into the status of property the whole psychology of male life will change.
Only exceptionally worthwhile, desirable and lucky males will form strong bonds of affection with a woman. The status gulf between the sexes will be too vast for a continuation of romantic love; something that is often a transitory state, an illusion even now.
For economic or social benefit, males will be bought, sold and traded. A man may find himself the property of several women over his lifetime of servitude.
This will be a great emotional hardship for the earliest generation of enslaved males. In the long run the loss of attachments will make for more docile, thus more useful slave men.
When Men Are Bought, Sold & Traded
Female Led Relationships - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle