When serving, a kajirus should serve Mistresses in nadu position, and Masters in tower; this is out of respect for gender. the quotes below, help to explain, the male slave and the strength it takes to be……
But most perhaps, incredible as it might seem, I feared that if I asked for a kindness, even a word or a gesture, it would be refused. Alone and slave, beaten and degraded, I found myself desperately in need of something, be it almost nothing, to indicate that I was a man, a human being, something that might, to some extent or degree, be worthing of respect or understanding. I think that if she, this proud woman, before whom I felt myself nothing, she my Mistress, if she had but cared to speak a word of simple kindness to me I might have cried out with gladness, willingly serving her in all things she asked. But if I should but beg a kindness, humbly, I feard it might be refused, that she might reject me in this as she had in all other things, my manhood and my humanity. And fused with this, excruciating in the pain of it, was my desire for her, the crying out of my blood that she had so, and deliberately, aroused.
Raiders of Gor
Male slaves are mainly enslaved for economic reasons, as cheap labor. The Gorean philosophy of “natural order” supports female slavery but it does not support male slavery. Gorean society though recognizes the validity, legality and economic necessity of male slavery. It is a more practical decision and not one based on a deeper philosophy. Under these justifications, anyone can be enslaved. Not all societal institutions need be based on an underlying philosophical foundation. Some are simply practical concepts.
Few male slaves are considered valuable and they generally do not garner high prices, even at auction. The primary exceptions are male silk slaves and exotics. The normal high price for a male slave, not a silk slave or exotic, is a silver tarsk. Many female slaves would sell for more than that amount. There are also very few male slaves with long pedigrees. There are few reasons to breed male slaves except as exotics. Nearly any Gorean man can serve as a typical work slave.
The most common types of male slaves are the work slaves. They are usually used on cargo galleys, mines, great farms or as porters on wharves. Port Kar, Cos and Tyros utilize thousands of male galley slaves. Many cities use male slaves for some of the more unpleasant labor in the cities, such as in the refuse pits or cleaning the public baths. Some slaves may pull wagons in teams. Most men work on chains with other slaves. In some cities like Ar, an unchained male slave is rarely ever seen. Work gangs commonly consist of fifty to one hundred men though they may be as large as one thousand men. They are commonly considered to be cheap and expendable labor.
Free work chains also exist as slaves are not permitted to engage in certain construction work. Work slaves are not used for road construction, siege works, erecting walls, or the construction of temples and public buildings. In many respects though, free chains are often not much different from slaves. Many free chains consist of criminals. These criminals have been sold, for a nominal fee, to work gang leaders to serve out the rest of their sentence as a laborer. Though they are technically supposed to be freed when their prison term would be up not all are. Some work masters create stringent rules for their workers. If you violate one of these rules, it will add time onto your sentence. The rules are created so most of the workers will violate them at some point, effectively keeping the workers much longer than their original sentence. The workers are commonly kept under slave discipline and the work master can do anything he wants to them, including killing them.
Probably the lowest of all work slaves are the salt slaves of Klima. Klima is located deep in the dune country of the Tahari region. Its exact location is a well kept secret. Thousands of salt slaves work there to extract salt from brine pits, generally by drilling or flush mining. Salt slaves are taken there on foot. They are hooded, chained and led through the desert. Many never make it as far as Klima. Escape from Klima is nearly impossible and no one until Tarl Cabot had ever escaped from there. No kaiila are permitted there and there is no water for a thousand pasangs. No women are permitted there and the workday is from dawn to dusk. It is brutal work and few slaves last too long there.
From Kajirus Basics (#19, Version 5.0)
Silk slaves:
“A male slave kept by Free Women as sexual toys, handsome and sometimes pretty by male standards, these slaves are often muscular and manly, as Free Women love having strong men at their feet, this can be dangerous if the slave doesn’t know his place or wishes to be free. At the present time there is a city ordinance in Ar which restricts the sexual use, or “couching” of slaves by Free Women, due to the widespread belief that the physical charms of precious Free Women are reserved only for the free.”
“I lifted my chained wrists. ‘Why am I chained?’ I asked. ‘What a stupid fool you are,’ she said. Then she walked about me, whip in hand. ‘Yet you are a pretty one,’ she said. ‘To a woman you might not be unattractive.’
“Then she stood again before me. I shrank back in the chains. I was acutely conscious of the clasp of the steel on my wrists and ankles. She approached me and with the coils of the whip, tapped the metal on my neck. ‘This is a collar.’ she said. Then , with her left hand, she jerked at the metal piece attached to the collar. From the way it felt I gathered that it was as I had suspected, a ring. Then it fell back against the collar and against my collarbone. She then stepped back, and regarded me. Never had I been looked upon so objectively by a woman. ‘I think you will do very nicely,’ she said.
Fighting Slave of Gor
Female slaves normally despise male slaves. They consider themselves the rightful property of only free persons. It is considered a great shame for a female slave to have to touch a male slave. Male slaves though are often permitted to have a female slave for their pleasure, especially as a reward. But, a male slave might be killed for touching a female slave without permission. Female slaves show contempt toward male slaves because they do not see them as real men, because they have been made slave.
Usually, but not always. Although “kajirus” technically refers to all Gorean male slaves, there’s one type in particular that raises the hackles on the backs of most Gorean men — the willing male slave. Especially, the willing sex slave … a man who of his own choice gave up his freedom, who realized that it was his true nature to submissively fulfill the wishes of a woman (or possibly a man) … and thereby becoming an object of desire.
Why Gorean Men Hate Kajirus So Much
Kajirus: Male Slaves of Gor
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle