The second paragraph pretty much captures what an F/m power exchange seems like to the vast majority of men and women. A prejudice that keeps many submissive males and dominant females in the closet about their sexuality.
Not that people need to know. But having to be mindful and bite your tongue is always annoying.
She makes all the decisions and the man follows her. It’s where the woman dictates to the man how he should dress, what he should eat etc… What are your thoughts on this arrangement? Is this just a form of B&D where the man submits to a woman or something else? And do some women favor this type of relationship?
I personally think it’s very odd and can’t see how it can work. As the man I’ve always worn the pants in any relationship I’ve been in and the women have followed my lead which seems to be the natural way. What kind of man enters into this relationship? And what woman would want to?
What are your views on “Female Led Relationships?”?
Originally posted 2010-07-07 13:28:00.
Female Led Relationships Are Unnatural
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle