By bootlicker.
For those (like you and me and many, many more) for whom words are important, all this is critical. Words are the environment of the intellect. “Slavespeak” is valuable in setting up that environment: along with clothing, setting, and a few other theatrical touches. But words are the most important of all; the others can be shorted or imagined, but not the words. If, for instance you accept the “woman-worship” or goddess model, then She speaks in the voice of a Queen: “Now, you may kiss Our foot.” (Well, the “royal we” may be overkill, and is certainly optional.) But the assumption that the sub (or slave) is eager to serve, to submit and, yes, to suffer for Her amusement, is basic here. No screaming commands: that reflects weakness, not power. Power has a soft voice, confident it will be obeyed without question. That is not to say that the whip is not ready, should the slave fail to meet the Owner’s high standards and expectations, or hesitate because of some disgust with licking dirt from the royal sole–all that must be forgotten when one undertakes to be a slave. Like all good royal rulers, the Owner must know just how far She can go, and push the boundaries in educating (training, and that means punishment) Her slave to fulfill Her wishes. Key rule here is that the Owner must NEVER lose Her temper, for that is losing control. On the other side of the coin, the sub must NEVER let any natural revulsion or self-respect from his previous life as a human being slow his willingness to abase himself before Her and thank Her sincerely for the lessons of Her lash on his worthless slave carcass. Just as an Owner may, if it pleases Her, use the “royal we” to elevate Her speech, a slave should create the image of being as lowly as possible. That’s one reason I advocate third-party references and neutral pronouns. By way of demonstration, here’s that sentence reworded in my recommended slave-speak: “That’s one reason this slave humbly suggests that it refer to itself impersonally as a thing, rather than a person, to help its gracious Owner regard it as a mere object, to be used without consideration for Her pleasure and amusement. The same principle also impels me to advocate capitalizing both nouns and pronouns that refer to the Owner, to exalt Her station in the house. With this BDSM-D/s relationship clearly established in word usage, She can be as self-indulgent as She likes, as critical of shortcomings as the most haughty Domina can be, and as cruel physically as the fiction we enjoy–stopping short only at lasting medical harm. And that limit is justified by saying “I do not wish to damage My chattel property, for then it will not be as useful to serve My Imperial Pleasure.” — all part of the game. Other facets of that “game” include dabbing crushed pinto bean-dip on the soles of boots kept only for the dungeon-bedroom, and ordering the slave to “lick that dogshit from My boots” or using a soft doeskin flogger. Real pain–but not permanent injury–keeps the participants coming back for more. Real pleasure–genuine cunnilingus, enjoyed asa long as it pleases Her to command, and stimulated with a riding crop if the lazy slave slows down–is certainly to be desired by all concerned. And it won’t hurt anyone, certainly not a proper masochist in real slavespace who wants nothing more than to give his Mistress pleasure and enjoy the delights of submitting, serving and suffering for Her in the process.
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