Male Slave Training & Retraining Techniques
By Slave Owner
This is intended as intense mental conditioning for healthy males, who have difficulty “letting go.” Although it can be performed once, ideally it should be repeated (with rest intervals in isolation) over a period of time stretching for weeks to months. A weekend would be an intense experience, while a month would entail serious “reprogramming” which is probably beyond general interests.
To create a mental state suitable for training/relearning. Specifically to lower serotonin levels slightly and induce a waking REM sleep-like state which facilitates ‘writing’ to long term memory.
3 essential elements:
- Sleep Deprivation
- Moderate, temporary, food deprivation
- A “Shocking” or Particularly intense experience
Although the exact methods vary from subject to subject, the basic idea is to cause a moderate drop in blood sugar level by placing him on a restricted diet for 2-3 days. Keep this in the 300-600 calorie range for no more than a 3 days at a time. Do not restrict liquids. During this time restrict sleep as much as possible. (It helps to have 2 trainers for shifts). Ideally you must keep him awake 2 nights before you can begin in earnest. Bright lights, standing, noise etc. can help.
The element of shock is introduced at this point. This can be relatively quick, or more drawn out. The idea being to create a sensory overload.
During this period of sensory overload it is possible to “write” very directly onto the long term memory.
Possible sensory shocks include:
- Intense Degradation or humiliation
- Repeated long term listening to training tapes which fill senses (often head phones)
- Intense pain
- (consensual) rape by 1 or more men.
Although this use of sensory overload works well, the mind is quite amenable at this point to learning and training of all types. This can go on for one hour or one day. Then the trainee should be allowed to eat and sleep normally. For the single experience it is now over. For the longer term, this period of rest should take place in isolation or relative isolation.
Closeting is the most extreme, but simply restricting access to the outside world works quite well. This can be repeated, but care should be taken with trainees. Each additional session will probably be easier to induce than the first.
A longer term moderately restricted diet with moderate sleep deprivation can also be combined with daily training. This is probably easier on the health than too many intense sessions.
This basic method can fit into a variety of training methods, help push limits, and offer an intense experience to the sub. It is regularly used in modified forms by religious cults and has been used by the US military.
The actual origins of the technique stretch back to our friend Pavlov in St. Petersburg. We all know that Pavlov trained his dogs to salivate at the sound of a bell, right? Well, it is much less known that shortly thereafter, St. Petersburg had a terrible flood which nearly drowned the dogs. Luckily, they survived, but Pavlov found that the dogs were no longer “trained.” The intensity of the experience had rewritten their long term memories. Later work on the subject of learning revealed that our short term memory is encoded into long term memory during REM sleep (when the serotonin drops in our brains). This state of REM sleep provides the ideal time for training/programing.
The process, in truth, eliminates the ability of the trainee to think rationally, give consent etc. so this must be all agreed upon before training begins.
The particular advantage of isolation between/during this training is the loss of a rational frame of reference which conflicts with the meaning of the training. In isolation, this process of rewriting can take place more “cleanly.”
I am very interested in discussing training methods with other intelligent dominants, or particularly intelligent and intense subs. Provided there is consent, and it does not involve horrible injury, I am very difficult to shock, so feel free to be completely open.
Methods/information above are NOT fantasy, but are rather based on real research, and some personal experience.
Male Slave Programming & Behavior Modification
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