By Jess
No one can deny the male is a derivative of the female template (why do men have nipples?). That is scientific fact. No one can deny Women are more genetically complex than men (XX vs. Xy chromosomes). No one can deny men are more prone to a number of diseases, and Women usually outlive men by an average of seven years. No one can deny Women bear the most vital sexual organs. No one can deny the main hub for emotion and memory formation is usually larger in a woman’s brain. No one can deny Women have a higher pain tolerance than men. No one can deny Women generally have better sensory ability than men. No one can deny that on average, Women are healthier than men of their own age.
All the above stands aside of certain social truths that are evident enough if one takes the time. I invite people to read The Myth of Male Power, by Warren Farrell, a former NOW board member, to start.
Science is about discovering truths about our universe which can be tested and verified conclusively. Thus far science has revealed that women are genetically more complicated—and complete—than men, as well as less prone to genetic diseases, have more advanced nervous systems, and so on. This is what the objective facts reveal. That is why good science is so wonderful; it is objective.
While science may be full of objective facts, the scientists themselves are not at all passionless robots in their observations or feelings. I will let a few individuals speak for themselves. Take from these snippets what you may.
“Males are wilting away…. From sperm count to social status, and from fertilization to death, as civilization advances those who bear Y chromosomes are in relative decline.”
“”Oh no!” I can hear you say, “Not superior, but equal, partners, complementary, different, but not superior. What an idea!” Men will mostly smile, while women, alarmed, will rush to the defense of men as women always have and always will.”
David Bainbridge Reproductive Biologist Author, The Natural Superiority of Women
“Outside the segments devoted to the small tasks of manhood, most of the y is filled with decay. It has degenerated because it abjures the messy business of sex.”
“Males are, in many ways, parasites upon their partners. Their interests are to persuade the other party to invest in reproduction, while doing as little as they can themselves.”
Steve Jones Geneticist, Author
Girls, not boys, come out wired for mutual gazing. Girls do not experience the testosterone surge in utero that shrinks the centers for communication, observation and processing of emotion, so their potential to develop skills in these areas are better than boys’.”
Louann Brizendine Neuropsychiatrist, Author
“Originally the Y-chromosome was a perfectly respectable chromosome, but its fate was sealed when it took on the mantle of creating males.”
“Are the male trademarks of greed, aggression and promiscuity genetically based?”
Bryan Sykes Geneticist, Author
The Female has two XX chromosomes, the male has one X chromosome and a smaller Y. The XX more than 1,000 genes and 160 million base pairs of DNA. The Y chromosome – 78 genes, 23 million DNA subunits. Over an extensive period of time, the Y chromosome has been slowly degrading.
Originally posted 2009-02-06 00:30:49.
Female Superiority : Scientific Fact
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle