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Male Slave in a Gynosupremacist Marriage


Gynosupremacist Marriage and Liturgical Urination

By yourstouse

Years ago, when she who is now my owner, and who’s property it is my privilege to be was just my girlfriend,I manipulated her into sitting on my face. Which without hesitation, I am pleased to say she was happy to do.

After a while she got up, and said, go get me a drink, but don’t get any for yourself. When I returned and entered the lounge, she was sitting in one of the arm chairs. I gave her the drink, and sat down on the carpet in front of Her.

What are you doing down there ? She asked, showing you respect I said, I want to be your slave.

Oh don’t worry about that She said, you already are, and have been ever since you asked me to sit on your face. As soon as you said that, I knew that you were mine, you were in my power, and I could do just what I liked with you.

Now slave get down on your hands and knees, crawl forward, and kiss my feet. I of course did as I was told, and continued to do so until she said, that’s enough.

Now follow me she said and led me upstairs to her bedroom. There she sat on the end of her bed, removed her panties, lifted up the front of her skirt, lay back on the bed with her legs wide apart, and said “Get down on your knees between my feet, and lick my pussy, and don’t stop until I tell you to”.

What a wonderful sight, I was down there like a shot, kissing, sucking, and licking to my hearts content, and at the same time giving her the pleasure she so richly deserved.

After she had finished, I was commanded to lick her clean, then she got back again onto the bed, and instructed me to carry on as before. her body arched, she moaned, and just before her orgasm, she opened her legs wider, put both her hands behind my head pulled me in, and closed her legs so tightly, I thought my skull would crack.

I had never been happier, I just could not believe my good fortune, so much had happened in so short a time.

I had often wondered what it would be like to have my face sat upon by a woman, and now I knew, I really enjoyed it, and what’s more she enjoyed sitting on my face, so much so in fact that she was keen to do it again.

My mouth had been so close to her pussy, that I found myself wondering what it would be like to drink female urine, but knew that I would never have the nerve to ask.

As it happened, there was no need to, for she said, that was great, I really enjoyed it, I would just love to give you your reward, would you like that ?

Oh! yes please I replied, OK, she said, now open your mouth wide, and keep it open, whereupon she sat herself down once more on my mouth But this time with her pee hole directly over it’s centre, and proceeded to empty her by then full bladder directly into my eager waiting mouth.

There no words to describe just how much I enjoyed drinking her lovely tangy tasting golden nectar. To have inside me, what had formerly been inside her was joy unspeakable.

After she had finished, I licked her spotlessly clean. She then got up, and said. Now do you see why I told you to get me a drink, and to have none for yourself ?

Male Slave in a Gynosupremacist Marriage
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle

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