Slave Collars: Symbol of Power Exchange
(Suggestions on selecting collars. I don’t remember where I got this.)
Now, regarding collars my favorite is that kind of training collar that have those spikes that are intended to dig into the neck of the poor unfortunate dog. But I modify it heavily, as I don’t find the original design to be that conductive for Safe bdsm play. Consequently, I modify heavily: First of all, I remove the choking part. This makes the rest of the collar too small, so you will need additional links (eg by buying an additional collar and cannibalizing this for parts).
Secondly, I cut the choking part up to free the attachment for the leash. This is then put added to one of the spiked links.
Third, I turn the collar inside out in order to get the spikes on the outside. The resulting look is in my opinion rather stunning. By inserting and removing links, you can get it as tight or loose as you want it. Do experiment.
Now, from the choking part you can get a short piece of chain with a ring in the middle. This can form the center piece of another collar: Buy an additional length of plain chain with a ring at both ends. Cut this in two halves. Join the the resulting three pieces together with small key rings.
You wear this collar thus: Wrap it twice around the neck of the sub, and pass a very heavy padlock through all three rings. The reason for passing the padlock through all the rings is that you eliminate the possibility for a choking effect in this way.
A note on the padlock: get one of the kind that has the key-hole on the front face. I find these to be the most visually stimulating.
A note on plating:
You can get these things both nickel and chrome plated. Many people have problems wit nickel allergy, thus I alway buy mi toys chrome plated. You can distinguish the th two from each other by the look: the chrome plated kind is more reflective / luster (which is another good reason to buy this variety).
What do you think about women placing collars on the necks of their submissive men and male slaves?
Do you think it an attractive sign of a man’s status as the property of a woman?
A nice token of submission?
Ostentatious or tacky?
Too obvious? Too weird?
Collars for Submissive Men
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle