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Female Led Manners


Submissive Male Deportment

This lesson is about the manners and behaviors of a male. We cover some very important areas here on how a male will communicate with his Mistress/Owner. The day-to-day tempo is very important for the comfort and well being of everyone involved in this relationship. It may seem irrational at times because you are not permitted to speak out of turn, however, you will soon learn the importance of being allowed to speak. You are given more thought to the words you say and with this thought many things change. You need to consider the nature of your Mistress/Owner. She is unlike any other woman you’ve encountered before. If she wanted to be around the typical and average male she wouldn’t be wasting her time with you.

I thoroughly enjoy a well-behaved male. Arrogance and a smart ass turn off most dominant women. Some women might like a smart ass because it stimulates her dominant passions, however I can’t imagine she’ll allow this to go on a day-to-day basis. If you are a smart ass, the chances of you finding a daily relationship might be few. You might become a playmate yet not permitted to be a live-in. It is not up to you to decide. Every woman has her own rules. What I am outlining here are my expectations when it comes to a male.

The males I have trained are well accepted by dominant women so I feel that my training is very effective, still, be sure to sit down and discuss it with your Mistress/Owner. I prefer to be addressed as “Ma’am” or “Goddess”. Never reply with a “Yep”, “OK”, or any other word you would use around a buddy. Your Goddess is not your buddy but one who should be respected at all times. You must never lose sight of this. Always acknowledge her with a yes or no “Ma’am’! And always be enthusiastic. A bad attitude will get you nothing but a finger pointing towards the door.

The attitude of a male is VERY important. I cannot stress this enough. To serve a woman means serving her emotional needs and a good attitude will do this. Never talk back. No matter what. Because she is such a creative and complex being, you must be willing to accept all aspects of her personality. Remember that you serve her in ALL ways so if she wants to snap at you or make a derogatory statement, you should not answer with an excuse or try to defend yourself. You should simply say “Yes, ma’am.” If she told you to jump six feet into the air you should not laugh and say “Goddess I can not do that.” You should first try, try, try no matter how foolish it looks. When you have tired and realized that you cannot do what she asks, you must beg forgiveness. Do you understand how this could apply to almost anything? She may be serious as a heart attack or in a playful mood purposely yanking your chain. Your smart-ass remarks and excuses will only piss her off. Trust me on this.

You should never ask her for sexual favors of any kind. Don’t ever make sexual remarks or innuendos. This is totally disrespectful. She will set the tempo and let you know what she wants and needs. If you have expectations and preconceptions, you need to reevaluate your desire to be involved in female supremacy. You must put a cap on your ego and any idea of being in control of this relationship. She will study you and know what’s best for you. You learn to trust in this and not challenge or read into it. The best time to have conversation and discuss concerns is while she is relaxing. You should already be performing some type of daily adoration such as a relaxing foot rub. Ask her if she’d like a foot rub. If you know how to do it right, she’ll never refuse unless she’s busy. Learn how to do it right. Once she is relaxed ask for permission to speak. She will give it or ask you to speak to her later. It is best not to force a discussion with her when she’s not in the mood. If you feel that you really need to talk to her about something it’s best to write a note and give it to her. Be sure to make reference to its urgency.

Example: “Goddess when you have a few moments I would like to speak to you about a personal matter.”

Or “Goddess when you have some time I would like to discuss some things about the house.”

Or “Goddess it is imperative that I speak to you as soon as possible about a private personal matter.”

If you say it’s urgent it better be urgent!

Each woman has her own way of communicating with a male. I like to talk to them in the morning when they bring me my coffee. My coffee is brought to me and I get a foot rub while I drink my first cup. This is the best time to speak to me. I’ll ask you about the weather and how things are around the house. I will also explain what I need done that day. This is a good time to talk to me. My days are full and very busy. I normally won’t feel like talking at the end of a stressful day. I try to set aside at least one night a week where my male and I sit down to eat and talk without interruption. Communication is very important, however you must remember your place and never lose sight of this. The energy of a male is very important. There is certain behavior that will surely get and keep her attention. Here are a few examples.

Entering a room: Never go barging into a room. Your male energy is intrusive when it breaks her woman space so suddenly. Do not knock on the door. Simply stand in the entrance and wait for her to acknowledge you. If she does not and looks busy you should not bother her. Unless it is urgent, go away and come back later. This is especially important when she has other lady friends or guests present.

Approaching or being called: If she doesn’t have one already you should supply your lady with a servants bell. I hate nothing more then to have to scream for a male. The sound of a bell will carry and be heard much further. It’s up to you to make sure she has this bell close at hand. You can buy lots of bells, however it’s just as simple to locate her, check on where she is and make sure the bell is sitting close at hand. You should make her needs part of your moment-to-moment consciousness. After all this is your purpose in life. When you are called you should waste no time getting to her. You should walk to the doorway and stop. She will tell you to come in and you will kneel next to her.

There are signals each Goddess will have to change your attitude or position. Everyone is different. These signals may be used in public for subtle and private communication. Here are some that I use:

One snap of my finger: Kneel instantly and I do mean he better drop!

Two snaps: Kneel and kiss my foot

One clap of my hands: I want him to remove his clothes… everything!

When I say “male’s name” go check on my dogs.” It means that I want him to leave the room. Or I may have another phrase like:
“Why don’t you go see what the weather will be like next week.”

Then if we are in public and I feel he is getting out of line I might say, “I have always dreamed of going to Alaska.” He knows that if I say this out of the blue his ass will be grass when we get home!

I have other signs and signals I use for different circumstances. Not all males need these and some need to be clobbered on the head to act right. Some of you have a lot of common sense while others are senseless. It’s up to you to help find ways for your Domina to communicate. This begins by you behaving yourself.

Your assignment for the next month is to be polite and respectful to ALL women. Say “Yes, Ma’am” and “No Ma’am”, “please”, etc. You know what to do. Do this with ALL women, even younger women. If you have a daughter do the same. Show respect and use good manners. The practice of this will help you become a better male.

The above was written by Goddess Dianna Vesta one of the great educators and entrepreneurs of Femdom. I don’t see any sign that she is active or has a website. But I may not have searched properly. Let me know.

Originally posted 2012-10-21 16:29:55.

Female Led Manners
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle

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