I have wanted for the longest time to write a post asking if any other Dommes / Tops out there ever felt awestruck when their sub submitted to some very difficult or unpleasant or particularly trying experience for the sake of pleasing their Domme.
I remind my subs regularly that I don’t *want* their submission to be easy, that I want it to be difficult. I want them to struggle, I want to watch them struggle. And I want to see them do it anyway. That is the best of it all for me. I become absolutely primitive when that is happening, the savage hunter closing in for the kill.
That feeling of deep awe is one of the most intense parts of the experience for me, and I have never mentioned it before. To anyone. Thank you for unintentionally opening up a part of my world for me, sooner, rather than later. (I would have done it eventually, fear or no fear.)
Awe of Submission
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle