How to Spank Your Boyfriend or Husband the First Time
- Warm-up is important. Start the spanking session by slightly cupping your hands and lightly hitting each buttock one at a time, always targeting the fleshy, middle part of his butt.
- A good way to gauge how hard you should spank is to watch your husbands reaction. If he’s having a tough time taking it, use a lighter touch. But if he tells you to spank him harder, by all means go for it!
- Gently rub the skin after every few strokes. Rubbing creates a more sensual vibe, increases blood flow, and allows your partner to take the next stroke with more ease.
- Lightly scratch the buttocks with your fingernails after you rub them to boost arousal.
- Once you’ve created a nice rosy hue on the buttocks, cool his buns down with ice between smacks. The ice is soothing — but the slick surface will make your next smack sting even more!
- Try different positions while spanking. Making him bend down and touch his toes creates a taut bottom, rendering the sting of your hand much more powerful! Have him bend over a chair or lay across the ottoman, use your imagination.
- Put him over your knee for some good old-fashioned fun!
- If the spanking is more punitive than foreplay, forget the above niceties and let him have it. Make sure to forgive and forget afterwards, that’s the reason for the punishment. Be sure to lecture him about what is causing the discipline while you are spanking as well.
Please free to add your own advice or suggestions for the novice female dominant beginning corporal punishment of men.
Female-Led Spanking Advice for the Newly Dominant Woman
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