Channel: Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle
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We need language to communicate, and you needs words for language. I agree it’s not worth drawing blood over, but we do have to keep trying to come to a general agreement about what our own terms mean. We can’t leave it up to people who don’t understand us to come up with the labels, because they won’t be kind *or* accurate. For the sake of better understanding and more precise language we have to keep trying to agree. Until we agree, it’s impossible to successfully promote our self-definitions and make ourselves clear to outsiders who might be trying to be sympathetic.

Nowadays one does not have to earn the title Master or Mistress. It’s simply a convenience. Stop saying “In the golden old days, in the before times, when being a master really meant something and the Old Guard ruled the earth…” la dee da. Those days never happened like that. It’s a myth, and it’s not the way things are now, and it’s not the way they are going to be, either. Go ahead and call yourself Master This or Mistress That…who does it hurt? Nobody. To show respect, it’s OK to address dominants as sir or ma’am, but dominants shouldn’t expect these courtesies from people who aren’t their own subs (or people who want to be their subs). I don’t care how big you think you are, “Master Joe Blow”, you are still just Joe to me, and you can call me Laura.

The term domme for a woman dominant is not generally accepted and I personally don’t like it. We don’t need girlie terms for female doctors or astronauts… a doctor is a doctor, an astronaut is an astronaut, and IMHO a dominant is a dominant. Dom for short. DomM for a male, DomF for a female. I would like to see all sex-segregated terms retired. A female slave is not a slavee’ or a slavess, so… you know. A female sub is not a subbette or a subbess, so… you know. Why have frilly pink terms for a dominant just because she’s female?

Old usenet post.

Originally posted 2010-11-23 11:09:02.

Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle

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