Do Males Deserve Castration?
In response to the question:
How should a man be treated? How inferior are males in comparison to females, dogs, rats, and other animals? You decide. ALSO. Please write a brief description of what you voted and why you made that decision! Write a short summary on how inferior you think men are, and what should be done to them.
Alpha Female writes:
I expect the males in my life to feel and believe deep in their core that they are inferior to me in every way. My desires don?t stop there however, I expect them to believe that they are inferior to all women on a biological level. I want he males in my life to see me as their living Goddess, and their service to be a sacred duty to the Goddess. I expect my males to love me, and to fear me. I want to always give them reasons to love me, and reasons to fear me. The males WILL happily accept my absolute freedom, and embrace the fact that they hold no freedoms. You males must be taught immediately to believe that the world will be better off when women are in authority at all levels, and males must be taught to actively promote that belief system. I expect my males to fully understand and acknowledge that they are physical manifestations of violence and chaos, and that women are the intellectually superior sex. A male is a neanderthal-like sack of meat who can’t control its repulsive, primal urges. Of course, I want to impose these beliefs on all cultures, in all lands, for as long as the male species exists. The disgusting genetic mishap which is a male, if not exterminated, must become enslaved by their superior counterpart race: Females. I want to force these things on the whole of the pathetic male species. I am a female supremacist, I am not limited by the doctrine of consent. We only want males in relationships in which they are considered, and treated as, pathetic, inferior beings. Is that so much to ask for? No, I think that is perfectly reasonable, considering the fact that every male, deep down in his being, knows that he is spiritually and mentally inferior to the female species, and MUST be castrated to become Saved. Furthermore, I would like to add that all male slaves should be immediately castrated after their reproductive services are no longer needed. Yes, the true key to a calm, loving, docile male is castration, and castration only. By removing the testicles of the lowly male, a Mistress has successfully tamed and taught her slave its place. A castrated male is a beautiful thing, and should be practiced on all males in order to successfully cause the parasitic organism that is a male to become extinct. It’s perfectly natural for a male to acknowledge and embrace the fact that he is mentally incapable of exceeding a woman, and it’s a plus when he lets his Mistress rid of his pathetic foreskin, as well as his other bodily malformations. Men should never be equal to women. They should not even become second class citizens no matter how physically better science makes them become, a male brain is still a male brain. The days of men causing physical and mental damage with their disgusting dicks and balls are over with. Castration will be performed at birth much like circumcision is today. It will be a natural practice. And FEMALES will do the cutting. Grown males will be lined up and their c*cks and balls will be snipped off and ground up for dog food. Men are inferior because of the testosterone that disallows them from performing highly advanced, highly feminine brain processes.
Woman Says All Men Should Be Castrated (Female Superiority)
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle