F/m Genital Leash Torment
By Samilia
I love the idea of putting a leash on a man’s testicles. Yesterday I managed to get my boyfriend to let me try this on him again, and I was able to try out a couple of ideas I had thought of since my earlier post. I wanted to tell about it, in case there are other women out there who share my fetish for this.
First of all, I like to use the thick, soft clothesline, not a stiffer or narrower cord, which will rub & dig into skin of the scrotum. It’s much better to have the rope be comfortable on his skin, so that the effect when you pull comes from squeezing the testicles and pulling on them, rather than simply chafing the skin of the scrotum.
Use the rope to make 2 loops around, as described in the post I made here recently. If anyone wants me to repost the details of how to effectively attach the rope, let me know.
When I did this the last time my boyfriend was naked, and it was great. I get an incredible rush from the feeling of total dominance over him and from watching as the rope does its work on his nuts, squeezing, pulling and twisting all at the same time.
I love to see the alarm that comes over a man as his testicles are squeezed and pulled like this. It’s great fun when he’s naked, because he can feel it happening and he can also see it happening.
However, I found it was just as much fun to do it with his shorts on. Yesterday, with my boyfriend standing in his jockey shorts, and his hands cuffed behind him, I pulled his shorts down and put the rope on him.
Then I threaded the rope through the opening in the front of his shorts, and pulled them back up, with the rope extending out through the front of the opening. (I always wondered what that opening was good for!)
For starters, there’s a great visual effect, before you even begin pulling on the rope. Binding the testicles like this makes them protrude forward, so that with his jockey shorts on, they make a very prominent bulge in the material of his shorts.
Normally, when he is standing with his underpants on, I can make out the outline of his penis through the fabric, but the scrotum is just kind of shapeless, flattened up against his body under and behind his penis. But with the testicles bound, they jut forward and bulge prominently through the fabric and they actually protrude out in front of the penis. And because of the way the rope is looped around the scrotum, it stretches the skin of the scrotum over his balls so that it’s nice and smooth, and you can see both testicles individually outlined in the protruding bulge.
The visual effect is awesome.
Once it was ready, I sat him down on the floor, with his hands still cuffed behind him. Then I started pulling on the rope… not to get him to follow me around or to make him do something humiliating, but just for the sheer exhilaration of pulling his testicles! I found it works just as effectively with his shorts on as it does when he’s naked.
With the rope slack, it’s snug but not uncomfortable for him. Pull on the rope though, and the noose around his scrotum tightens, squeezing the testicles and pulling them away from his body. This focuses his attention like nothing else. With his shorts on, he can feel the noose squeezing, he can look down and see the rope straining through the opening in his underpants, but he can’t actually see what’s happening to his family jewels.
I think that frightened him even more than when he could watch it.
Then I had another idea. I had him lie back, and I pulled his underpants back down and disentangled the rope from them. His hands were still cuffed together behind his back. Then, standing over him, holding the leash in my hand, I made him crab-walk over to the bedroom door until I had him on the floor with his legs straddling the open door, and his hands on the floor behind him.
As I pulled his nuts up with the rope, he had to lift his butt up off the floor, so he was holding his body up in the air, his back arched, the door between his legs, holding himself off the ground with his thighs and back, with his testicles stretched upward, and in that position I tied the rope to the door handle!
I knew he couldn’t more last than a few minutes in that position. So I went off and made a phone call to a friend, talking so he could hear me, chatting about nothing important, and acting like I had completely forgotten about him. Within a few minutes I heard him whimper. I said into the phone, ‘Julia, hold on just a minute, I need to attend to something.’ I put the phone down, went over to him, and knowing that he was dying to have me release him, I said crossly, ‘Can’t you see I’m on the phone”, and I took the rope and hoisted him up another couple of inches.
Now he was using his wrists under the small of his back to help support himself. Then I went back and casually resumed the phone conversation for a couple of more minutes before I finally hung up and went over to him and untied his nuts from the door handle. His legs and back were so shaky from holding himself up in that position that he collapsed and couldn’t move for several minutes!
Testicle Bondage (F/m Genitorment)
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle