An extract from Charlotte’s response to a question on Men Who Accept Being Inferior Make the Best Husbands.
Fortunately the feminization of male clothing has progressed so far that tights and pantyhose for boys and men now are easily available and I insist that and husband in the winter season wear tights especially when he is outdoors. I do it because it is a sensible and practical way to make sure he does not get cold but I admit that it also plays a role that as a bonus effect wearing tights seems to make him feel more controlled and in a way restrained. It is only a theory I have but I suppose that what causes this bonus effect is that tights are tight and make a male feel that his body and especially his private parts are restricted.
My husband’s wardrobe does not include many traditional male shirts; I prefer them to wear t-shirts sweatshirts and blouses. His nightwear includes pajamas, nightshirts and big t-shirts but mostly nightshirts. Also with nightwear I prefer buying him things that are cute, soft and at least not explicit masculine.
The way I dress my husband of course very much reflects the way I expect them to be; sweet, cute and meek and I am certain that this as one of many things helps modifying his behavior.
Read all that Charlote wrote.
The post Mentally Emasculate Submisive Men With Clothing appeared first on Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle.