Kipkh, the Greek name of Circe. In Homer’s Odyssey she turned Ulysses’ men in to animals.
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(My thanks to AndyWar for permission to use his art: Google+, digitalkOmiX.)
An expression of the power women can have over men. A woman able to make a men into whatever she wishes. At her will he comes a beast on a leash, her slave.
Perhaps Circe was the first dominatrix? Clearly the Greeks had fear of female power. Ulysses had himself bound because he knew he would be unable to resist the sirens’ songs.
Is this fear one of the reasons the ancient Greeks were so intensely patriarchal? Did those men fear that if they did not ruthlessly dominate women they would become the slaves of women.
Their chief fear might have been the buried desire to be so dominated. A craving that was kept deeply suppressed.
You, my male reader, what a woman to control you, don’t you? You hope she’ll even be cruel to you.
In the 21st century there is no good reason to suppress or hide from your needs.
Originally posted 2014-07-11 13:18:29.
The post Circe & Male Submission appeared first on Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle.