(I’m very busy so I post something that someone submitted to me for publication.)
What is this secret place of dark desire hidden deep within my soul? What brings me crawling to its rusty iron gate day after day, night after night trying to resist that delicious dose of Female Domination? Is it the heady smell of sweet surrender that lingers above this forbidden land like the heavy mist creeps in to obscure some lonely, distant moor? It is a sweet aroma to be sure, but it demands a heavy price for its intoxicating scent.
If it would only remain hidden behind those layered walls of guilt and shame, there would be no need to fear what i might do next. If i could only look the other way when an image suddenly appears to trigger a response from that secret, sinister place hidden way down deep inside. If i could only block my ears from hearing words that rush in to beat the drums for blind obedience, i might be saved. For these stir the air that carries the aroma; provocative words and images are what starts it swirling behind those wicked walls. This is what creates the current that carries it through that ominous gate that is but a pseudo sentry keeping nothing in and nothing out. This is where that sinful scent begins its relentless ride upon that seductive gentle breeze to find me.
With infinite patience and malice, it seeks me like it has so many times before to titillate, taunt and tease. There was a time when it came at me with a sudden intensity that refused to be denied; when it surged ahead to suck me in and hold me in its grasp. But that time has slowly faded. Endless journeys have worn a crooked path that has become an easy trail to follow. Where’s the rush? Where is the need to hurry when the one it seeks can so easily be found? And, although i attempt to shield myself with the strength of my convictions, why do i always feel the need to relinquish my control? With resolve and determination i struggle on; i bravely refuse the temptation to grovel at Her feet. But like all brash proclamations, the words are easier said than done. For one who has never tasted the addictive dose of the Superior Female’s rule, there is a fighting chance. But once that forbidden fruit is eaten, the taste lingers on the palette making everything else seem maudlin, banal and bland. Once you’ve felt the rush, you are only too eager to give in, give up and submit. You have only to fall to your knees willing to accept the price that must be paid to enter Her sacred garden where She rules with all the power and glory.
If She is strong enough to take my power, if She is strong enough to demand my obedience, then i must serve at the feet of the One who has captured me. i know it is wrong and it is this very dose of delicious degradation that drives me to feel the sting of Her hand and a longing to be aroused by Her words of humiliation that will have me groveling at Her feet to worship the Feminine power that i can never have. i beg for the privilege of submitting to the conquering Heroin to receive the discipline i so justly deserve, and so desperately covet.
Originally posted 2007-08-26 16:13:16.
The Superior Female’s Rule
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle