Femdom is love.
No, of course it isn’t.
Perhaps it is a fluke but most of us who blog about D/s and S&M are, have been or want to be in romantic relationships that include our sadomasochism.
It is easy to forget that people engage in BDSM as one night stands. That they scene with people they don’t know intimately. Many people enjoy their fetishes without worrying about affection.
Imagine developing a view of heterosexuality solely on the basis of romantic comedies. The sex lives of millions of people would vanish from view.
What level of emotional involvement do you require for Femdom?
- Deep romantic passion where marriage or lifetime partnership is at least a considered contingency?
- Friendship with strong erotic affection.
- Liking the person outside of Femdom sessions? What the present age vulgarly calls ‘friends with benefits?’
- Scratch my kink and I have all I need.
- I’d rather pay than get mushy.
Would you rather go kinkless and celibate than play without what you feel is the minimum level of tenderness you want?
Originally posted 2012-11-10 08:16:03.
Female Domination: With or Without Romantic Love?
Female Led Relationships - Female Domination, Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, FLR Lifestyle