How to Make a Padlock Attached “Teeth of Kali Male Chastity Device”
- 1. Staple gun
- 2. 3/8ths inch staples
- 3. Rubber inner tube from any car tire
- 4. “Master Mend Epoxy”
- 5. Brass or copper supply pipe hangers
- (the ones with the holes)
- 6. Hammer
- 7. Pliers
- 8. Sheet rock knife (“Stanley” knife)
- 9. Hacksaw
- 10. Regular screwdriver
- 11. Ruler
- 12. Inch and a half to two-inch “shaping bar”
- (hard wood or heavy metal is best)
- 13. Tiny padlock and keys
- 14. Small file (optional)
- 15. Workshop vise (best, if available)
First off, do not be disappointed if the first attempt at making a Teeth of Kali Male Chastity Device does not come out just right. my first try was an awful mess! i picked up a few time and mess saving tricks along the way which i will pass along. What used to take from a half hour to 40 minutes to make, now takes only about 15 to 20 minutes when the materials are cut and prepared for shaping. Step One: Tighten metal hanger in vise and, using the hacksaw, cur off the loop portion of the hanger. Do NOT throw away. The tiny screw will be used in making the other version of the Teeth of Kali Male Chastity Device. This second version has the option of being permanent. In other words, it can NEVER be removed (except, perhaps, surgically). The next two cuts have to be made so that the resulting strip of metal will be exactly 5 and 1/4 inches and the holes will be close enough to the ends so that a padlock can be inserted through them. Once the cuts are made, the edges can be filed smooth so that there is no danger of cutting the skin as the bracelet is taken on and off. Step Two: Cut out a rubber strip the same length and width as the metal one, then carefully trim the edges so that when the strip is laid against the metal one, the holes are BARELY exposed. This is important, so that, later, when the “Epoxy” is hard, there will be enough rubber to trim. Now place the rubber strip against an old rug or cushion or anything that will allow the staples to penetrate and shoot in 13 or 14 staples (approx. 2/8ths of an inch apart). Make sure that the staples are in ALL THE WAY. Press the strip against a hard surface to make them fit flush. If a staple happens to miss or not fit right, simply pull it out and do another in its place. Trial and error is always the case here. But, in general, the more teeth the better. But not TOO many, because in that case, the rubber strip will be difficult to fashion inside the bracelet once it is molded into a roughly round shape. Step Three: This is the hardest part, the hammering of the metal strip into a shape as close to a circle as possible. If the bending is done without a mold, the metal strip can kink and break. The ease with which it bends, however, makes it a perfect kind of metal for use as an anti-ejaculatory device. First, if a vise is at hand, tighten the wood or metal mold in the vise so that a portion of it sticks out. Make sure that it is VERY tight. Now place one end of the metal strip on the mold and begin to hammer and shape it. A tiny amount of bending by hand is possible at first but not too much. It produces kinks which need to be hammered smooth later on. As the metal begins to become round, pliers could be used to bend the edges toward each other. Do not rush this step. This is the key to making an effective Teeth of Kali Male Chastity Device. Step Four: Break off about an inch of the “Master Mend Epoxy,” knead until the colors are well mixed in, then roll into a cigar shape the same length as the rubber strip with the staples. Now place the puddy on the smooth side of the strip and gently press it down so that it covers fairly evenly. Do not press too hard yet. More pressing will be done when the strip is inside the bracelet. Next, start lining the inside of the bracelet with the strip of staples. If necessary, open the bracelet wider, but not too wide or else it will lose it’s shape. If the holes become blocked at first, don’t worry. Also, depending on how thick the cigar was, the puddy will ooze out from under the rubber as it is pressed against the inside of the bracelet. Use the sheet rock knife to cut away the excess. The same can be done if some of the puddy blocks the holes at the edges. Be sure, however, that all the other holes are tightly filled with green puddy. This is what holds the staple-lined strip firmly in place. Again, the first attempt might be quite messy and cumbersome, but don’t worry. The next one will be much better. And the one after that, better still. If the thickness of the puddy appears uneven in places around the bracelet, take the tiny chunks that were cut off and carefully stuff them into the gaps, pressing smooth with the fingers. The fingers WILL become stained with the puddy, but simple soap and water will remove any of the residue. If possible, try to make the thickness of the puddy one-eighth of an inch all around. Again, if the holes are still somewhat blocked, don’t worry. As mentioned in Step Two, the portion that covers the holes can be carefully cut away after the puddy hardens (which takes about 6 to 12 hours). After 24 hours, the puddy is as hard as a rock, but it still can be trimmed if necessary. How to Make a Screw-attached “Teeth of Kali Male Chastity Device” In this case, the metal strip must be cut so that the holes are at least one-eighth of an inch near the edge and the length of the strip is exactly six inches. Also, because the holes must overlap, the top hole ought to be a bit larger than the bottom hole. This can easily be accomplished by using a drill bit that is a bit larger than the hole. Which end overlaps the other depends upon the shape of the bracelet once it is closed. Generally speaking, the edge that serves as the top hole will need more trimming so that the bottom hole meets the top. The number of staples can remain the same, but during the trimming stage, one or two sets of teeth might have to go. As mentioned earlier in Step One, the screw that came with the hanger can be used to hold the Teeth of Kali Male Chastity Device together. First, however, it must be made shorter so that when it is screwed in, it will not touch the cock. In other words, the screw should be about as long as the thickness of the metal strip when the two edges overlap. All other instructions on how to make the bracelet remain the same. Now as to how to permanently attach the Teeth of Kali Male Chastity Device to a cock, the method is quite simple. The quickest way would be to take the whole screw, uncut, and screw it in until it meets with the bottom hole or, better, until the bottom of the screw can be seen alongside the staples. Next, firmly hold the bracelet with a pair of vise grips then, either with a hacksaw or nut-cutting pliers, cut the screw as close to the bracelet as possible. Any burr that is left can then be filed. Another method, which takes a bit longer but is probably safer for both wearer and attacher, is to cut the head off the screw ahead of time, then, with a small pair of pliers, twist it into the holes as far as possible and, then, use a file to smooth off any burr that is sticking up. When this is done, using either the quick way or the slower way, the screw will remain inside the bracelet permanently. There is absolutely no way that it can be taken out again once the head is gone and the burr filed down so that the bracelet is smooth. Although harsh, this method of attachment might be useful on someone whose only purpose would be to perform household and/or outdoor groundskeeping duties.
Originally posted 2014-05-04 07:06:09.
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