Female Led Corporal Punishment Routine
By Mistress Q
I have a submissive boyfriend who struggles to maintain a properly deferential attitude and perfectly deferential demeanor.
I have improved his submission with three mandatory daily spankings.
Morning Spanking
The first spanking takes place after he brings me my morning coffee and I’ve sipped enough to wake up.
I spank my boyfriend with a paddle. It takes little effort to make him whimper a little. The first spanking puts him in his place.
Middle Spanking
The second spanking takes place when convenient in the afternoon or early evening. I use a thick black leather belt. This spanking is for my amusement. I whip him as harshly and as long as fits my mood. The spanking might be mild or severely painful.
Last Spanking
I use a cane for my slave boyfriend’s third spanking. It is always late evening. Sometimes just before his bedtime. The intensity of this session of corporal punishment reflects his behavior for the day. If he has been submissive, obedient and pleasing he gets a firm caning of at least twenty-five strokes. If his behavior has displeased me the caning is more brutal. If I’m angry I leave him in tears before I lock him in his cage for the night.
Recreational Spankings
I may beat him just for fun at any time during the day. Unscheduled spankings are always performed with a whip, tawse or quirt.
Originally posted 2014-04-29 14:11:14.
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