Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle
A Submissive Man Like a Pet
Years ago a dominant woman wrote:
With D/s being such a new concept for me and with only my imagination to help me develop what that lifestyle could mean for me, lots and lots of thoughts have crossed my mind. As posted in my delurk, I’ve made a lot of major changes in my life over the past six months or so. I’ve begun dating but it’s not as much fun as I remember it being 15 years or so ago. That’s probably because of my higher standards in what I’m looking for in a partner; a submissive partner. So here’s a thought that occurred to me one afternoon while running my dogs at the nearby regional park. At this, the loneliest time of my life, my dogs are my truest companions. I was thinking that if I could find a submissive man with the traits that my dogs possess, and a few of the more obvious ones, of course
He greets me in the morning by nuzzling my face and showing genuine enthusiasm for whatever attention I can muster at 4:30 AM. He watches intently as I get ready for work. He even asks for a little toothpaste to freshen his breath! His eyes express his complete sorrow at the realization that I’ll be gone for the day — again. I feed him, rub his ears, scratch his belly and give him fresh water before I leave for a grueling day at work. He sends me off with a lick on my hand and walks me to my car.
He’s always excited to see me at the end of the day. He greets me at the back gate with a hug and kiss (well, he jumps up on me and licks my face – close enough!). He nuzzles my hand as I walk through the back yard. He gets something for me to toss so we can play for a bit. We truly relish one another’s company. His devotion wipes away any stress I’ve endured through my workday. He never holds a grudge from a previous disagreement.
He lies at my feet while I check my e-mail and catch up on reading SSB. I reach down and rub his ears and pat his head. I find him so irresistible at times, that I lay on the floor next to him and just cuddle and rub his belly. He likes to be patted with a good amount of force on his lower back just at his tail. OK, he likes a good spanking, what’s wrong with that?!? He likes his nose rubbed and his ears massaged. He likes a fair amount of rough play and I’m eager to give him that.
He’ll do tricks for me when I offer a reward. He does tricks even when I don’t offer a reward. And he always eats my cooking without a single complaint!
I reward his loyalty and unconditional love with trips to a nearby wilderness area for an afternoon of running without his leash and collar. I toss the ball and he brings it back. I toss the ball again and again and again. He brings it back every time and nuzzles my hand as a sincere thank you for this time we have together.
He plays in the snow as I shovel. Sometimes he goes with me in the car when I run errands. Other times, I leave him tied up in the yard or locked in his kennel.
On occasion, this boy won’t do as he’s told so I must discipline him and although it’s difficult for me to hurt him either physically or verbally, I also understand that this is the only way for him to learn how to be a better dog. He chose to ignore my verbal commands yesterday at the park and was even bodacious enough to growl as I administered his discipline. His defiance though turned to sweet submission once he recognized I wouldn’t be frightened by his attempt at intimidation and he dutifully climbed into the back of the van.
At a recent visit to the vet, he misbehaved quite arrogantly and the vet sold me on a special collar to help keep him under control. The collar is designed in a figure-8 to apply pressure on the bridge of his nose and on his neck, right behind his ears. This pressure is similar to that applied by a pack leader to other members of the pack to demonstrate dominance. When I put this collar on him, I have a completely submissive animal under my complete, yet loving, control. It’s such a simple, yet effective tool.
He is by my side almost constantly when I am at home and he misses me terribly when I am away. He never fails to respond when I call his name either by coming to me or just wagging his tail. He’s sleeping next to me right now and as I call his name, his tail pounds on the floor with glee at that small bit of attention.
When I’m sad, he offers his big furry shoulder to cry on. He holds his paw out for me to hold. He licks my tear soaked face. He offers more comfort without ever uttering a single word than any human I’ve ever known. He barks at would-be trespassers and scares them off. I believe this boy would die for me.
In return for his unconditional love and devotion, I provide him with a safe environment to live and play in, all the food he can eat, special biscuit treats, fresh water, toys to play with, and I tend to his emotional and medical needs. I clean up the yard every week so he has a fresh place to make a mess
Save for the obvious shortcomings, my dog is my perfect companion and possesses _most_ of the qualities I seek in a submissive partner. I hate when women say that men are dogs and mean it in a nasty context! I love men AND I love dogs! I plan to spend the rest of my life with them!
(From an ancient Usenet posting.)
She Wants a Submissive Man Who Is Like a Good Dog,
Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle