Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle
Left as a comment by “Linda.”
If women ruled the world the guys would be made to fight, like it or not, The idea therewould be universal peace is nonsense.
Much more interesting is the idea of a female dominated society where government is run by femdoms. then the law could be changed to suit women; there would be strict laws about men assaulting and offending women and proper punishments carried out in Camps for Sexual Offenders, (My fantasy is to be one of the Guards).
Rape and other serious assaults should be dealt with by Capital punishment, as it is in many countries. I also think Public executions are a good idea and should never have been banned. in times past they were always seen as great public entertainments. Nowadays I guess they’d be on TV. There’s an awful lot of nonsense talked about how “bad” it is but rape and groping women is serious too and any man who did it would know what they faced.
The only issue for me is whether it should be rope. electric shock, injection or the axe. As a British traditionalist I’d go for the rope and axe.
When discussing this with Bob my silly boyfriend he said you’d never get people to do it; excuse me!! was he serious? I’d do it like a shot if it was legal and I’ll put my hand up for the job now, I think even today there must be men doing life sentences who would rather spend a few minutes wriggling on the end of a rope – especially if I was there to help them on their way!
Women should have much greater freedom in the way they deal with men, less silly restrictions about assaults.
There should be statutory defenses that allow for serious injury and even fatalities as “part of marriage”. I read of a case where a lady was prosecuted for suffocating her husband under her arse. Apparently she was in the habit of doing it as she watched TV and on this occasion when her programme had finished so had hubby! It was soon chucked out and so it should have been; who’d sit on a guys face if you thought you’d end up in the dock? It should be spelt out as a “no crime” so women can feel free when having a splurge. Was Mrs Bobbit prosecuted? I cant remember but again there should be a law making things clear and if in the heat of the moment a wife slices it off well there shouldn’t be such a fuss, in my view its more hers than his anyway.
So, Yes, women should rule the world and it will be a better place. And a lot more fun.
Originally posted 2013-12-10 20:26:09.
Femdom Government,
Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle