Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle
Amity Harris has been a well-known treasure within the D/s community for years. Her explanation of female dominance remains a classic. An excerpt:
A FemDom relationship is intensely intimate. Inside this relationship, both the woman and submissive find caring, intense emotional exchange and validation of each other. I’ve said many times that a submissive man on his knees is one of the most beautiful and powerful mental images for me to behold. Even though a woman may demand that which satisfies her, a simple caress of her partner’s hair or cheek speaks volumes about the intense intimacy of this type of relationship.
When your partner is on his knees, even if only in his daydreams, he is begging silently for a woman’s strong hand to guide and lead him and the thought of that woman’s touch is arousing to him. However, he doesn’t want just any woman’s touch; he wants yours. Expressing the secrets in his soul is something painfully difficult to do without the assurance that the woman on the other side of the relationship will accept it and value it as a treasured gift.
Women learning about female domination must remember that your partner will be sharing his innermost secrets and longings with you. It’s up to you to value and cherish the trust he is placing in your hands.
What Does Female Domination Mean?
Originally posted 2013-11-03 22:21:12.
Female Dominance, An Explanation,
Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle