Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle
Male Chastity Contract
Independently of the question if a chastity contract is necessary at all, there are some things that should be avoided and included in such a paper. Since it’s fun to create such a contract and it’s always necessary to adapt it to personal needs, i decided not to give a premade contract, but rather offer you some hints and propositions to help you create your own contract.
- Although the keyholder can virtually deny the submissive forever, the contract should have an ending date. This does not mean that the contract must effectively end on that date, but it should be something like a “long-term goal”. In fact, every keyholder should at least try to find some reason to increase the release date at least a few days, as every submissive unconsciously expects it or maybe even secretly anticipates it. In retrospect, most submissives agree that in the long run even doubling the initially agreed time period is usually more desirable than strictly sticking to it, which is often experienced as unimaginative and easy. Frustration and unpredictability always are crucial parts of chastity training.
- Pleading for early release can always be punished. There should be a clause allowing the keyholder to extend the chastity period for at least one day over the original release date. However, it does not have to be a mandatory consequence: the wearer must know that it is risky to ask, but it should not be definitely forseeable. Trying to manipulate your keyholder while wearing a chastity belt always is part of it, but it has to feel dangerous for the submissive when he’s trying to.
- Good body hygiene should always be mandatory and sloppiness should always come at a price.
- Punishments are an important part of the contract. Popular punishments are an extension of the release date or an obligation to wear plugs and gags. Suggested extension periods:
- + 3 days: fondling self while in bed, sloppy completion of tasks
- + 1 week: refusal to carry out orders, including: housework, oral sex, clothing instructions
- + 2 weeks: watching porn, trying to masturbate with device on
- + 1 month: lying about a question
- The contract should include something like a “closing talk clause”: when the release date finally arrived, the submissive would eventually be secured safely by handcuffs or similar tools with his hands behind his back and the keyholder should be given the possibility to sum up her experiences of the time gone by. Obviously, such a clause aims at the keyholder talking the submissive into voluntarily asking her to extend his release date in the last moment. Maybe this should even be stated directly: “During the closing talk, the submissive gets a last chance to voluntarily ask for an extension of his chastity lockdown period. The keyholder will actively persuade him into doing so by wearing sexy clothing and trying to talk him into it.” This can be an highly erotic mindfuck not only when the talk happens, but all the time while the submissive is locked and yearning for his release – a release that will probably be delayed even longer by only a few words slipped out so easily.
- Of course this procedure can be repeated multiple times.
- The contract should state that there is no way to shorten the lock down period, but that it’s no problem to extend it.
- The contract should contain various tasks that have to be carried out by the submissive on their own and without further notice: cleaning tasks, cooking, body workout, weight loss, sexual duties
- Failures have to be immidiately punished by increased lock down time
- It can be stimulating to use explicit language in the contract.
- Forbid him to watch porn
- Oblige him to watch porn
- Forbid him to touch the device
- Require him to write a daily journal
- Forbid him the use of any typing correction program
- Punish him for every typing error
- Punish him by applying chili peppers on his locked cock
Dirty little tricks that can spice it up even more
- Instead of allowing an “orgasm” after the end of the contract, the release clause can also be written like this: “the chastity belt will be opened”, or “the device will be unlocked”, this however, does obviously not have to include any form of “sexual release”, and the submissive can be contractually locked down again after like opening the lock for only a few seconds and telling him about his fate
- For this to be completely legal, the contract should also have an unsuspicious clause like: “if the device is already installed and the lock is in place, the keyholder can renew the contract without further affirmation of the submissive, as through the act of wearing the installed device he automatically displayed his desire to subject to the keyholder in knowledge of this contract”
- The contract should be signed
- “Orgasm” does not necessarily mean orgasm through penile stimulation
- “Orgasm” can be defined as “ejaculatory release of semen”, which can be achieved in multiple ways other than by penile stimulation. It will even happen in a very small scale by itself if the submissive is teased and/or locked up long enough, which is known as leaking (pre)cum.
- Duties of the submissive must not necessarily be limited towards the keyholder
Male Orgasm Denial Contract I,
Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle