Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle
Clipped from a very old discussion of Female Supremacy.
To me, female supremacy involves a woman who is empowered without the need of a man to empower her. That’s where my connection with strip clubs ends. It’s also why I just don’t go to them. There are two, I believe, in my city here, and there’s some huge debate right now in the local media about trying to close it. I find myself not even caring because I don’t see the place to be a positive environment for women anymore than I feel that I would want to imagine myself supporting the institution of free-thinking women by eating at the Hooters that opened up here a few years ago.
Personally, I wish that there was actually a venue where female supremacy was acceptable on a social basis in our society, but I don’t find that to be the case. Instead, I find avenues created by men to serve their needs that pretend to empower women when they are really establishments that do nothing of the kind. Even organizations like NOW are not female-empowered because their purpose for the most part is to work against the institutions created by men rather than to further feminine ideals. Don’t get me wrong: I feel organizations like that do a lot to help women catch up to men where they in concept already be if it wasn’t for male stubbornness, but again, I’m a female supremacist, and it bothers me whenever I see the struggle that women must go through to reach such a level of societal understanding, especially in a society that has been designed to counter just that.
Anyway, I’ve become a lot more cynical these days. I used to be involved in organizations that were female empowerment organizations, but I don’t seem to be anymore. Part of the reasons for this change is twofold:
1. Women have tended to destroy the very foundations of such groups from within by suddenly turning against the charter in hopes of achieving something quick-like on a personal basis rather than long-term with little quick-like benefits.
2. The organizations become toxic themselves where they become so jaded with the struggle that they just give up. A lot of times, any man that is volunteering for the sole purpose of trying to help usher in a different understanding between men and women ends up becoming the scapegoat of all men and ends up just leaving the organization which then dilutes the ability to convince other men of a group’s viability because the obstacle such an organization must get through is the society of man himself.
Over the years, I’ve become a closeted female supremacist whereas in the past I was very much out as someone who lived and breathed such an ideal. Slowly, I’ve started to give up on women ever achieving such a state because of women themselves. I’ve been in too many situations where a leader of a female supremacy group suddenly becomes love-stricken with a bad boy who causes her to become all Barbie-like and forget anything she was trying to achieve in the first place. Such events make it really hard to believe in the struggle when you realize that it’s such a pipe dream anyway.
In the past you have referred to relationships with Pro Femdoms. How is being a Pro Femdom much different than being a stripper? Both are selling a sexual fantasy for a price. If you were in a personal relationship with a woman who made money from selling a sexual type service (minus the sex), how did that resonate with your past desires for female supremacy? How is a stripper that much different than a dominatrix? They both charge money to stimulate the libido of a male client in exchange for money and (generally) while staying within the laws of what is legal and not with regards to sex.
Second, if a female supremacy ideal is contradictory or difficult for you, why not just give it up? I have difficulty with the whole “female supremacy” thing. I think people all are different and have different strengths and weaknesses. I like to have a man “worship” me, not “all women”, and not surrender to me or submit to me because of my gender, but because of who I am as a person.
I’ve thought about it, but in actuality, that’s not what I decided to do. My concept of female supremacy is different these days than it ever was in the past. It’s not the stereotype “women are all that, and men are scum” that seems to be perpetuated by male fantasies these days. One day, I might write an article on this, but as I suspect, it will be ripped to shreds by those that will then put me in the ranks of the fantasy female supremacists again.
To put it simply, female supremacy for me is a state of mind where I believe that women are capable of great things and that I feel empowered by helping them to achieve the best that they can be; it’s much more detailed than that, but that’s good enough for the present discussion. It doesn’t mean having to change the present dichotomy and have women in the place that men are right now; that’s great for fantasy femdom stuff, but neither practical nor acceptable in my opinion. However, I do believe that from an anthropological sense, there is justification to shed some of this imagery so that there is a place for men to be proud of the women around them when they have achieved a higher state than the present one that men seem so inclined to want to give them. Yeah, there are lots of nit-picky arguments that can be played around with this, but I think that in a context of making fem supremacy work, it has to be grounded in something that is possible rather than in the extremes that go completely off the deep end.
Female supremacy in my eyes has little to do with Female Domination and it concerns me when the two get muddied together. Ds is about power exchange, the bottom cedes power to the top. People often talk about the gift of submission. It is something that is given from one person to another and is supposed to mean something to both parties. Supremacy implies power and superiority without any exchange. Supreme ones have the power whatever the actions of any other individual or individuals.
When people talk about Femsupremacy and Femdom in the same breath, to me they are taking away from the gift that I’m giving. They are saying that it isn’t something I’m giving but it is something that someone else has the divine right to take for herself. No! It’s mine to give and it’s important for me give it to the correct individual.
Supremacy is dangerous and divisive. It creates huge division across society when one group of people is promoted as superior to another. Without exception in the past it has resulted in persecution and violence. Ususally it is self promotion for example white supremacists. This is slightly different as it seems the main proponents of female supremacy are men. The only other example I can think of where the proponents where largely of a different group to those proposed was when the third Reich declared Aryan people to be the master race and we all know what happened there.
Originally posted 2013-05-28 18:39:01.
Thoughts About Female Supremacy,
Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle