Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle
Gynosupremacist Government Charter, Regulations & Laws
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This is the only post I found on an old blog. It appears to be abandoned. I suspect this will give some of you visit here pleasure or amusement.
State Foundation
Article I. We shall first establish and then secede an autonomous, closed and hermetically sealed state, organised and orientated on the basis of the following doctrines and disciplines.
Matriarchy, Gynocracy & Gynarchy, Gyneolatry, Female Supremacism, Female Domination, Sexual Slavery, Male Bondage, Male Communal Breeding, Eugenics Positive and Negative, Modern Architecture, Separatist Feminism, Amazon Feminism, Racial Perfectionism, Gender Apartheid, Religious Feminism and Amazonism.
1. This state shall consist of the territory of the Kimberley Peninsular, Australia with the Great Northern Highway functioning as the main line of demarcation outlining the border of the experimental state.
2. The above mentioned purposes shall exist in order for the further and interminable continuation of the Great Feminist Experiment of the 20th Century in an isolated and pure state of independent development.
Article II. The state shall be established with all the modern factories, farms, fisheries and industrial facilities required for the maximization of social and ideological success.
Article III. To the state, well-versed enthusiasts shall be appointed from among the inclined peoples of the World to form a Gynocratic Ruling Class, which shall govern the said territory without reference to external authorities.
Article IV. To the state, well-versed enthusiasts shall be appointed from among the inclined peoples of the World to form an all-male Slave Class, which shall serve the said Gynocratic Ruling Class without reference to external authorities.
These Slaves shall be considered the permanent property of the Gynocratic Ruling Class by law and their male offspring shall all be born slaves, but only within the borders of the experimental state.
Article V. The state shall be sealed by a mined death strip and guarded coastline encompassing the entire perimeter for the creation and maintenance of a slave owning society. Its regular inhabitants shall be kept ignorant of all external society.
Article VI. The state shall be politically organized on the basis of the following principles.
1. In the state all male residents shall be slaves being either owned privately or publicly.
2. In the state monogamous lesbian marriage, stud farms and segregated male rearing shall form the basis of the relationship between the sexes. Within the state all male residents shall be raised to maturity on slave farms with a view to lifelong servitude in bondage.
Since all male residents shall be slaves no slave shall own property to include their own persons or enjoy or be entitled to any kind of legal personality.
3. The state shall consist of an all-female representative legislature of no less than 100 representatives, elected at least once every 2 years by the property owning female class and a Diarchy consisting of 2 married lesbian Queens. In all instances the Queens of the state shall accede to the throne through a single line of female primogeniture to which the lesbian spouse shall also inherit however, only married Royal Family members shall be eligible for accession. Should a reigning Queen be widowed she shall then reign alone until re-marriage or death.
4. Only mortgage free females owning at least 3 male Slaves or more and at least 1 square hectare of land shall be eligible to vote or stand for office.
5. All newborn males shall be born the public property of the state and must be surrendered to the forces of the government for immediate referral to a slave farm for rearing and training until the age of 20, with a view to lifelong servitude in bondage to either the state or private slaveholders.
6. All males shall be circumcised immediately before their first auctioning as slaves.
7. No male may be permitted to be in public without an effective collar and chastity device.
8. The penalty for females who in anyway actively assist any man in the breaking the legal terms of his bondage with a view to absconding, shall in all instances be prosecuted with the death penalty.
9. Reproduction shall be strictly controlled by government: Only the fittest 10% of men and only the fittest 10% of women shall be permitted to breed, whereas the others shall be either castrated or spayed respectively. Those permitted to breed may be legally required to breed by The State on pain of criminal prosecution. Fitness to breed shall be determined on the basis of height, stature, weight, strength, stamina, agility, dexterity, physiology, physiognomy, vocabulary, family medical history, sight, hearing, intelligence, hand-eye coordination and gamete quality.
10. All females shall serve a minimum term of 5 years in the Amazonian Infantry as soldiers whereas the Amazon Cavalry shall be retained as an elite force. The Royal Guard shall exceed the Amazonian Cavalry as an elite formation and shall be responsible for the personal protection of the Diarchy and of The Royal Family.
11. Female residents shall be divided into 4 types; Residents with residency and domicile, Citizens with civic rights, Electors with the right to vote and hold office and Royals.
No Resident may hold or own property, be permitted to vote or hold office or be entitled to protection from the bill of rights. No Citizen may vote or hold office but every Citizen shall be protected by the bill of rights. All Royals shall enjoy full immunity from prosecution unless impeached by the legislature on a case-by-case basis, through a majority vote in full session.
Article XII. Blasphemy, Heresy, Apostasy, Sacrilege, Sedition, Treason and Slavery Abolitionism shall in all instances be punished with the death penalty. All slaves found engaging in such acts shall be humanely destroyed.
Gynarchy & Citizenship
Article I. The Gynarchy shall be a Republic solely for the use of women in order that Gynocracy and the bondage of man to woman may be preserved and protected in everlasting perpetuity.
We must secure the existence and survival of female supremacy. Such is the overriding principle of this Constitution. Nothing incompatible with this prime directive may be held by any authority to be constitutional.
Article II. In the Gynarchy Citizenship, as opposed to legal residence and domicile shall not be automatically conferred at birth, or through female identity alone. Citizenship shall be earned through responsibilities fulfilled to The State.
Article III. Non-slave residence and civic status in the Gynarchy shall be restricted, absolutely and for all time, to biological women of unmixed, White Caucasian racial descent with either blue, grey or green eyes and either blond, red, auburn or brown natural hair color, who shall have no known or identifiable non-White ancestry and no visibly non-White element in their genetic makeup and who shall not be overweight or ugly, or less than 5 foot, 7 inches in stature or the bearers of any hereditary or life threatening diseases.
Article IV. Citizenship shall be restricted absolutely and for all time to military veterans with a record of at least 5 years of military service.
Article IV. The right to exercise the electoral franchise shall be restricted absolutely and for all time to citizens in direct ownership of at least 1 square hectare of unmortgaged land and 3 slaves, or to city-dwelling citizens in direct ownership of at least 10 unmortgaged slaves.
Article V. Residency, Citizenship, Electorship and Royalty may be legally reduced or revoked by a court of law, by a magistrate, by act of the legislature, or by Royal Decree from a Queen, which bodies and authorities may also grant or restore citizenship. Grounds for revocation or reinstatement of such status shall be
Conviction of a felony.
Unauthorized reproduction.
Refusal of an order to reproduce by a government body or agency or by Royal Decree from a Queen.
Slavery Abolitionism.
Insulting the Gynarchy or a Queen.
Government & Administration
Article I. The Gynarchy shall be a monocultural and unitary state with The Lesbian Diarchy serving as the official supreme government and sole source of executive authority.
Article II. The government of The Gynarchy shall consist of two branches, executive and legislative.
The duchies and cities within The Gynarchy shall be governed by duchess’ and city governors respectively for the maintenance of health, order, and prosperity, but all ordnances, laws, and functions of said local governments shall be subordinate to the central government and laws of The Gynarchy, and the authority of the legislature and of the Queens. A duchess shall automatically be the local resident elector with the most privately owned land whereas the governor of a city shall automatically be the local resident elector with the most privately owned slaves.
Article III. This Constitution shall be enforced and interpreted by a standing Constitutional Committee of the legislature, to whom constitutional issues may be referred for determination by the legislature as a whole, by the executive branch, by state agencies, and by the courts.
Article IV. The basis of the body politic shall be the roster of all persons holding Citizenship, Electorship and Royalty in The Gynarchy, which Citizenship roll shall function as the lowest level of government and the foundation of The State. The Electorship roll shall function in this capacity through general elections to the legislature, and also through the institution of the national referendum.
Article V. National referendums shall take place as needed in conjunction with general elections to the legislature.
National referendums on specific issues of immediate urgency or interest may also be called by the legislature as needed through special resolution, with such referendums to take place within not less than 30 days and not more than 60 days from the adoption of said resolution.
No national referendum or any other act of government may alter or amend this Constitution, in whole or in part.
Article VI. The chief executives of The Gynarchy Republic shall be the Queens or Queen, who shall exceed to the throne through the direct line of primogeniture with the qualification that only married lesbian couples may be eligible to accession.
Article VI. The Queens or Queen shall serve as joint heads of the executive branch of government, as joint commanders in chief of the armed forces and the police and joint commanders of the Royal Guard.
Article VII. The Queens or Queen shall have the right to appoint a Council of Ministers of their own choosing, and to create or dissolve ministerial portfolios as they deem necessary.
The Queens or Queen shall serve as joint chief magistrates of The Gynarchy and shall exercise full and final recourse over all actions and decisions of the judicial system, specifically including the power of full or partial pardon and/or commutation of any civil or military sentence of death, confinement, corporal punishment, loss of civic status, amercement, or exile, with the following exception: The Queens or Queen may not overrule or set aside any jury or other court verdict of not guilty, not proven, or other acquittal unless by a Joint Royal Decree
Article VIII. In the event of their illness, or other incapacity, the Queens or Queen shall be succeeded in office by the Speaker of the Crown Princesses. In the event of the death or incapacitation of both the Queens or Queen and the Crown Princesses, executive power shall pass to the next eligible Royal lesbian couple.
Any Queen or Princess Regent may be impeached and removed from office on foot of a national referendum of recall.
Any national referendum on the impeachment and removal of a State President maybe passed by the legislature without the signature of the ruling Diarchs or Diarch, nor shall they have any power of veto thereon.
Article IX. The legislative branch of government shall consist of the legislature, which shall be elected by popular vote of all Electors every two years. The legislature shall be presided over by a Speaker who shall be elected in caucus by the members of each incoming legislature, and who shall serve at the pleasure of the Queens or Queen.
Article X. The legislature shall be unicameral.
Article XI. The legislature shall remain in constant session during the two years of its term and may recess only twice per year, for a cumulative period of not more than 60 days per year.
Neither The Diarchy nor any other body may prorogue, dismiss, or dissolve the legislature, except for the Speaker of the legislature immediately prior to and as part of a nationwide general election.
No legislator or other functionary of the legislature may receive or accept any salary, commission, fees, royalties, or other income, benefits, perks, or any other thing of value from any source throughout the whole duration of their respective 2 year terms.
All legislators and functionaries of the legislature, must file an annual full and complete financial disclosure statement with the office of the Speaker detailing their current net worth, financial status, all property held, etc which disclosure statements shall be matters of public record and available for inspection to any Resident, Citizen, Elector or Royal.
The Queens or Queen may in time of national emergency or legislative recess rule by special Joint Royal Decree solely in order to preserve life, property, and the existence of The Gynarchy. All such special Joint Royal Decrees are non-renewable and must be confirmed or rejected within 60 days by the legislature in full session.
Article XII. All members of the legislature shall enjoy full parliamentary privilege and immunity from any arrest, prosecution, or investigation in connection with their official duties as members of the legislature or in connection with any written or oral communication, public or private, in connection with their official duties as legislators except in regards to the following felonies.
Insulting The Gynarchy or a Queen.
Slavery Abolitionism.
The Speaker shall as necessary convene a special investigatory committee of legislators, which shall act as a tribunal to resolve questions of immunity, ethics, and specific allegations of unethical or criminal conduct against legislators.
No legislator may be stripped of her parliamentary immunity or expelled from the legislature except on the recommendation of the investigatory committee aforesaid, which recommendation must be confirmed by a vote of the legislature in full session, or by Royal Decree.
Article XIII. Laws of The Gynarchy shall be enacted upon introduction of a bill by any legislator or group of legislators, or by a Queen, into the legislature.
Such bills shall become law by majority vote of the legislature only after 2 readings separated by a time period of not less than 7 and not more than 30 days, and only after 2 public debates by the legislature on each individual bill. Such bills must then be presented to both Queens for signature with 7 days.
A Queen may veto all or part of any bill presented to them by the legislature for signature.
A Royal Veto of all or part of any bill may be overridden and shall become law on a 4/5 majority vote of the legislature in full session, or on a simple majority vote in the event that the Royal Veto is lifted by one Queen but not the other.
Article XIV. The Diarchy shall have the sole power to levy all excise and customs duties, taxes, and other imposts, including any and all fees charged by government for any goods or services whatsoever. All monies due to The State or any agency thereof shall be paid directly into the Royal Treasury and shall be apportioned according a budget laid out by The Diarchy and approved by the legislature as a whole.
Article XV. The Diarchy shall have operational authority over all coinage and issuance of money or other legal tender within The Gynarchy, but ultimate power over all such coinage and issuance of money shall reside in the legislature, which shall have the power to amend or rescind any act of The Diarchy with relation to monetary affairs by resolution carried on a majority vote.
Article XVI. Neither The State nor any local government or authority shall levy any tax or impost upon individual income or on real property in the form of land, housing, or homestead, nor upon any farm. Income taxes may be levied upon corporations or organizations of any commercial, social, or religious character deemed necessary. Property taxes may be levied upon any land, buildings, structures, manufactories, or facilities used for commercial purposes, corporate agribusiness, or for religious purposes.
Article XVII. The power to declare a state of war between The Gynarchy and any foreign power or powers is reserved to the legislature in full session.
Article XVIII. The Queens or Queen in their capacity as joint commanders in chief of the armed forces shall have the power to initiate and implement any and all military activity they jointly deem as necessary for the immediate defence of the independence and territorial integrity of the The Gynarchy, and for the defence of the lives and property of its Residents, Citizens, Electors and Royals, without the requirement of recourse to the legislature, with the following exceptions:
Any declaration of martial law within the boundaries of The Gynarchy must be jointly submitted to the legislature by both Queens within 14 days, and either rescinded or confirmed by majority vote and renewed for such time as the legislature shall think fit.
The Queens or Queen may not order military action of any kind outside the borders of The Gynarchy or in any foreign country, except by a special Joint Royal Decree in cases of the strongest and most overriding necessity and national urgency, and then for only for a period not to exceed 7 days.
Such special Joint Royal Decrees shall be renewable for a second period of 7 days should either Queen deem it necessary.
On the fifteenth day such special Joint Royal Decree must be confirmed by majority vote of the legislature in full session, and any extension granted on such orders may not exceed a single 30 day period, at which time there shall be a full session debate in which the Queens or Queen shall either jointly report to the legislature the successful conclusion of such military operations outside the Gynarchy’s borders, or else they shall ask the assembly in full session for a formal declaration of war.
Article XIX. All treaties between The Gynarchy and any foreign power shall be confirmed by majority vote of the legislature in full public session, and shall have the force of law.
Such treaties may be revoked or abrogated only by the legislature in full session.
Judiciary & Judicial Procedure
Article I. Every duchy and city of the Gynarchy shall maintain a court to try criminal cases, each with its own magistrate who may if necessary be assisted by subordinate judges appointed by law and the rules of judicial procedure. The magistrate of a duchy shall automatically be the local resident Elector with the most privately owned land whereas the magistrate of a city shall automatically be the local resident Elector with the most slaves.
Article II. The purpose of the courts and judiciary shall be solely to serve as bodies for the determination of fact in criminal cases or non-criminal matters such as property ownership, inheritance, etc. The courts and judiciary shall have no governmental or policy-making role whatsoever within The State; these powers are reserved to the legislature and Diarchy.
Article III. A special Judicial Committee of the legislature shall draw up and enforce rules of procedure for all courts and magistrates.
Article VI. No Residents, Citizen, Elector or Royal shall be charged, arrested, brought to trial, fined or amerced, or subjected to loss of life, property or status or otherwise punished, except upon indictment and return of a true bill by the magistrate of the county wherein an alleged offense was committed, and except upon subsequent conviction by a court or upon a Royal Decree by a Queen.
Bills of indictment may be presented to the magistrate by the State Prosecutor for the county, by any Citizen, Elector or Royal or by any Citizen, Elector or Royal acting for any Resident, so long as such Citizen, Elector or Royal receives no pay or emolument for such action.
No Resident, Citizen, Elector or Royal may be placed under lawful arrest except on foot of a warrant issued and signed by a magistrate, or except by officers or agents of the police or the military acting in their official capacity, in order to prevent immediate disorder or criminal behavior.
All persons arrested in ordinary criminal matters not subject to the jurisdiction of the military shall be brought before a magistrate within 48 hours of arrest and shall either be discharged, or allowed release on bail. Arrested persons shall be held in custody for presentment to the court if said person is believed to be a flight risk, to present a danger to the community, or to be in danger from the community.
Article V. The Royal Guard shall be governed in its operations and conduct by a special protocol to be determined by The Diarchy. Said protocol may, at the discretion of a Queen, exempt officers and agents of the Royal Guard, acting in good faith and on foot of national necessity and the national interest, from compliance with any and all laws or constitutional safeguards.
Article VI. No Resident, Citizen, Elector or other person charged with a criminal offense before the courts of the Republic shall be denied the right to counsel and advocate of her choice, provided such counsel or advocate shall accept no fee, reward, emolument in money or kind, property or thing of value, officially or unofficially, for the performance of such function, and shall affirm such on oath before the commencement of trial or other proceeding.
Bill of Rights
Article I. All Residents, Citizens, Electors and Royals shall enjoy the right to worship any Goddess or Matriarch approved for religious devotion by government.
Article II. All Residents, Citizens, Electors and Royals shall enjoy the right to keep and to bear firearms and other personal arms for defence of The State and of their own lives and property.
Article III. All Residents, Citizens, Electors and Royals shall enjoy the right to total freedom of expression and freedom of the press except for Blasphemy, Heresy, Apostasy, Sacrilege and Treason and except where explicitly prohibited by government.
Article IV. All Residents, Citizens, Electors and Royals their female children and other under aged female dependants shall enjoy the right to adequate and life-preserving medical care free of charge.
Article V. All Residents, Citizens, Electors and Royals All female Citizens, Electors and Royals their female children and other under aged dependants shall enjoy the right to adequate food, shelter and clothing.
Article VI. All Residents, Citizens, Electors and Royals shall have the right to gainful and productive employment.
Article VII. All Residents, Citizens, Electors and Royals shall have the right to be free of arbitrary search and seizure of goods and property and the right to freedom from imprisonment, punishment, or forfeiture except by due process of law.
Article VIII. All Residents, Citizens, Electors and Royals shall enjoy the right, free of charge, to all such education, technical training, vocational training, and instruction as shall be within their innate personal capacity to understand, assimilate, and apply in life.
Bill of Responsibilities
Article I. All able-bodied Residents must serve a basic term of active duty in the armed forces and a set term in the reserves and all able-bodied Residents, Citizens and Electors must serve in the armed forces for whatever term may be necessary by the prescription of the legislature.
Article II. All Residents, Citizens and Electors who by reason or gender or other cause are not subject to mandatory military service as stipulated in Article I above, must complete a term of national service to the state and community, the duration and nature of which shall be determined by law.
Article III. No Resident, Citizen, Elector, Royal, corporation, institution, or government body or authority shall charge any form of interest, premium, or any other form of fee or bonus for any loan of money.
Article IV. No Resident, Citizen, Elector or Royal may accept any monetary emolument, fee, gift, or anything of value for performing the function of a priest or minister of religion.
Article V. No Resident, Citizen, Elector or Royal may charge or accept any monetary emolument, fee, gift, or anything of value for performing any service connected with law, legal processes, trial or litigation, or for speaking in defence of a defendant in any legal case.
Article VI. The State has and shall maintain the right to demand of all Residents, Citizens, Electors and Royals their loyalty, their active support and aid, and their participation in the life of the Gynarchy to the utmost of their ability. All Residents, Citizens, Electors and Royals shall acknowledge the inalienable right of The State to exist as a state exclusively for the use and non-slave residence of women, and shall refrain from all acts of disloyalty, subversion, or counterrevolution.
See more Gynarchy.
Female Supremacist Government Charter,
Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle