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Women Spanking Men : A Meditation

Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle

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By Spankophile Subby

F/m Spanking: Some Thoughts

Ever wonder why Women are spanking men, beyond Women’s natural
superiority over men? Women are smarter than men and realize that a
spanking is unpleasant, humiliating, undesirable and degrading; that
getting a spanking hurts a lot, that it humbles the person getting
spanked, and this humbling seems to continue for a long time after
the spanking; and the real soreness and stinging from a spanking can
continue for days or weeks—all reasons why Women should spank men
but men should never spank Women.

Another reason is that Women may also realize that in reality, they
want to control. Although Women often behave conciliatorily, and
often defer to men, my experience is that in reality They want things
Their way and not the way of Their husbands or the men in Their
lives. spanking Their men is a direct way to get the control Women
want and need. With spanking, Women soon control Their men
physically, socially, and emotionally. This is a different feeling
for Women who spank, because They are most accustomed to getting
Their way through subtle manipulation. Some mistakenly believe,
however, that one or two spankings or strappings should make a man
completely and always obedient, while others understand that spanking
needs to be continual, regular, sustained, and often.

A third reason that Women spank might be that some Women have a
latent desire to spank or punish a man. They know They don’t want
to be spanked, but They can spank a man with surprisingly excellent
results. These Women may then advise Their men that from that point
They will spank and strap regularly and as They see fit.

Why would anyone ever willingly accept a spanking? No one should
want a spanking, want to submit, want to have to be humble, want to
have to undergo and experience degradation, punishment and pain, want
to be at the mercy of another person acting out selfish interests,
and want this whole experience to continue for days as he continues
to feel the sting and relive all the emotions of the moment–plus a
few more. The one spanked knows he has been humbled, and is in a
humble position relative to the one who spanked him. i think this
can even generate and feed the need, in the spanked, to continue or
increase this humble position. For this reason, the spanked probably
needs and yearns for continual subsequent spankings.

In this situation, the Mistress Spanker already has Her man in Her control,
and so continuing to spank may not seem to accomplish anything new.
She probably controls the person in many regards even after long
periods without spanking, since the person spanked has acquired a
need to feel humbled (and may feel he receives love in this way). Or,
he may just have a need to be humbled and/or to feel the stinging and
perhaps the resulting endorphins that spanking provides.

Ceasing to spank, however, may frustrate both Woman and man. The
man may have come to need the spanking, and the Woman has come to
expect improved behavior. Unfortunately, the good behavior will
diminish until spanking resumes. And the man may resist becoming
humble again.

Some Women want to experience complete and longlasting control. And
some Women just want their control to be easy and predictable, and
want to clearly be in charge. spanking keeps them in that position.

And what happens when a man cannot get the spanking he needs? Does
he simply live out the rest of his life yearning for a spanking?
Should he seek someone other than his Wife to spank him? Should he
allow another Woman to spank him? Should he accept a spanking from
a man, if the opportunity arises?

Women Spanking Men : A Meditation,
Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle

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