Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle
The first is obvious: the task needs doing. Except for hard labor punishment when useless chores are assigned.
The second, less obvious, is to act in obedience to a dominant woman’s orders. Obedience in itself is a valuable action. The Domme enjoys seeing her orders obeyed. By working at her command, the submale enacts his submission.
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Submissive men and male slaves do chores and labor for two reasons.
Whipping or spanking the slave while he labors is an excellent way to punish an exceptionally inadequate male. The sweat of his brow and the sting of her lash combined drive the man deep into a servile mindset.
As his tears mix with soapy water he cannot evade the consciousness that he is just a creature born to serve and obey. Then he will feel as deeply humble as he really should at all times.
Punished During Chores,
Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle