Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle
One possible process for the total objectification and enslavement of a once free man.
1. Chained under stairs by the wrist every night for 8 hours.
2. Secured in leg irons 12 hours a day
3. Slave gagged 8 hours a day
4. Secured in leg irons for 18 hours a day
5. Slave blindfolded while chained under stairs
Transition Two – House Slave
6. Secured in leg irons 24/7
7. Wrist restraints become permanent
8. Slave wears thick, steel collar
Transition Three – Slave Object (“it” pronouns)
20-foot long chain attached to collar
10. Chained unders Steps 9 hours a day
Slave gagged 12 hours a day
12. Slave tortured 1 hour per day
13. Chain reduced to 15 feet.
14. Chained under stairs by the wrist every day for 10 hours
15. Slave gagged 18 hours a day
16. Chain reduced to 12 feet.
17. Slave gagged as much as possible every day
18. All restraints sealed permanently
19. Slave tortured 2 hours per day
20. Slave loses all rights and safewords – off ramps at each “step”
21. Slave sealed in permanent chastity
22. Slave transitioned to “slave food”
Transition Five – Torture Pig
Water changed to 5 parts water, I part piss
23. Slave wears gas mask into Owner’s rank shoes while chained
24. under stairs
25. Chained under Stairs by the wrist every day for 11 hours
26. Slave hooded 6 hours
27. Slave limited to 2 hours screen time
28. Slave hooded 10 hours
29. Water changed to 4 parts water, I part piss
30. Slave required to swallow Cum before every meal
31. Chained under stairs by the Wrist every day for 12 hours
32. Slave limited to I hour screen time
33. Slave hooded 18 hours
34. Slave blindfolded While hooded
35. Slave tortured 2 h hours per day
36. Water changed to 3 parts water, 1 part piss
37. Chain reduced to 10 feet
38. Final Off Ramp
39. Slave loses all unauthorized outside contact
40. Chain reduced to 6 feet and anchored permanently
Slave hooded as much as possible
Slave always blindfolded in Owner’s presence
42. Slave in constant, complete sensory deprivation
43. “Step Forty Three” Conditions
Sensory deprivation is the norm. Slave has limited periods
allowed sight or hearing.
Slave sealed in permanent restraints. All restraints made
permanent with metal epoxy.
o Ankle
o Collar
o Chastity
Slave leashed and anchored permanently
o Six feet of chain
o Chain anchored to collar
o Chain concreted to permanent anchor in floor
All water contaminated with Owneds piSS
Slave gagged / muzzled continuously; only removed for food, water, and sexual use. Slave is permanently prohibited from any human speech.
Food consists only Of cold, flavorless, unseasoned gruel
Slave must swallow Owner’s cum before every meal
Slave tortured minimum 3 hours / day
Slave in completely sensory deprivation
Further possible “Object” conditions:
• Object locked in small cage; cage welded closed
• Sensory deprivation made permanent; blindfold and earmuffs
never removed
What methods would you add? How would your methods differ?
Proper enslavement of the inferior gender is an art and science.
Staged Conversion of a Male into an Owned Slave Object,
Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle