Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle
Male Submission With Strangers
Years ago a wife wrote about helping her husband satisfy some of his submissive emotional needs in an unusual way.
My husband has always had a fantasy of being tied up, blindfolded and having a couple of people do whatever they want to him for an hour or two.
I’ve never been too keen on inflicting the pain myself, so he hasn’t ever had a chance to experience this idea coming true. But have come up with an idea to make his dream come true for a forthcoming birthday.
I’m going to hire a hotel room for a day and invite a couple of total strangers to come and do *anything* and *everything* they want while I video it all.
I’m going to hire a hotel room for a day and invite a couple of total strangers to come and do *anything* and *everything* they want while I video it all.
One reader commented:
Firstly, those who come may not be very happy about someone filming them.Secondly, are you going to hire pro doms? This may in fact be the best approach as they will have experience. However, remember, although we men may say you can do anything, what they really mean is anything I have dreamed about and dreams do not have pain in them.
Often gradual increases in pain can send people to where they want to go, but there is no substitute to having the person tell you what they want, and then only do those things. An experienced pro will be able to judge and change things so as not to go too far, but there can be some hidden taboos that if not known about in advance, could easily turn this into a bad scene.
It may all sound like a good idea now, but rememebr you are opening a can of worms, and like earth in holes in the ground, you will have some left over after filling it in to deal with. He may like it so much he craves mor. He may hate it, who can tell.
Personally, if you do not understand it, and it does not turn you on, then maybe its going to be hard for you to do it yourself, but remember, its often sexual in nature and would you be happy to share him?
Another reader advised:
Ahhh, since it seems you are doing this for his “fantasy”, I’d suggest you try for things of a general nature he has ‘fantasized’ about. Has he shared with you some of his favorite stories?
If “yes”, guide off of them.
If “no”, oh dear!! Let’s reconsider. Perhaps I’m an old fuddy duddy, but in my mind there are some things that properly need to be rushed to meet a real deadline, an emergent situation. I think this however, is not one of them. Build up to it in a somewhat planned, sequential manner. (Just seems to me, you are willing to spend a fair amount of time ((major event for a day)) and money ((cost of motel at least)) and I’d suggest some homework and preparation to make it go well.)
Decide for yourself what name / title you want to be called, while you are being dominant. (i.e. Queen Joan, Mistress Sheba, Dom Lisa, etc.)
Decide for yourself what first tenative name you intend you use for him, and he is to use for himself while playing the submissive (Slave Russ, Useless Fred, etc.) ((Very helpful in many ways – when using names both know they are in the game, failure to do so is in effect a “safeword”! Even using the names alone is a bit of a “game/fantasy”.))
For example, your first little game/test/fantasy could come one Saturday afternoon. Walk up to him, reach and pinch his earlobe with your fingers, and say something like, “Slave Russ, your Queen Joan, needs to go shopping for some new clothes, we will leave in 30 minutes, understand?” Stick with the names in every verbalization. Go shopping for a new set of underwear, either where you normally might go, or even some fantasy clothing place, or even a ‘sex shop’ place. Verbally, you are concerned only with your own wishes, , , but watch his eyes, and get somewhat a happy compromise.
For example, your next (or if above dismissed – then first) one, could be a weeknight just at home. Prepare by dressing in what you think would be a ‘nice kit’ (I’d imagine that not many would object to black bra, black panties, black garter belt, dark hose, & high heels – ((perhaps cover with ‘bathrobe’)). Walk out to where he sitting, approach, something again like above pinching his ear lobe, “Slave Russ, your Queen Joan, is commanding you to produce five stories. You will have them ready for me by 9 pm, understand? At exactly 9pm I will be in bed and you better present me with stories for my reading pleasure.” Let him scurry around, find his stash, or write furiously, and at 9 – be in bed in your ‘kit’ reclining on your back, reading something else. Command him to lie on his side facing you and cuddling, and caressing you, while you leaf through and read some aloud. Hint – the “working man’s sex position” is similar to above. You get ‘cuddle time’ at a minimum, maybe allow him to get more ‘frisky’.
Third idea – some minor “pain” —–
Seems like an odd if generous idea. What do you think?
Vanilla Wife’s Birthday Surprise,
Female Led Relationships: Femdom Lifestyle - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle