Part Three: My first lesbian experience and sharing of John
By Mistresses Sophie and Elodie
Slave Husband John in Chastity
One day we went to see Mary, one of my parents for the day.
She was my age, and I loved him. We had a good day.
Hello Mrs Mary replied John.
I explained what had happened to John with her chastity and submission. She was very impressed. In the evening, when leaving, we noticed it was snowing and we could not go home tonight.
My aunt asked me to sleep at home and I agreed. Mary asked if she could see John with his cage.
I could not say no because I wanted to humiliate John unknown to show him what is true of women.
I told John to come to undress and stand with hands on head.
Mary came back into the room and tears poured down the cheeks of John.
He tried to hide his cage and I gave him a slap on the buttocks do not move.
Mary came against John and took her hand full cage. He began to tremble.
Mary told me that John was not at all spoiled by nature.
I confessed a secret to Mary on condition that she would never repeat. Mary promised me that she would say nothing.
Imagine that John always has her virginity.
It is also premature ejaculation.
It is amazing Mary said. Before our wedding, John had told me he had made love twice. Then, during our wedding night, he confessed that he was still a virgin. To punish him, I left it like that.
Mary was surprised by my confidence. I offered to watch me suck my pussy by John.
John comes here now. Yes Mistress Sophie.
You’re going to show Mrs Mary how you take care of Mistress Sophie.
John did not move. You’re going to hurry or I’ll give you a good spanking.
Mary asks if John liked to be spanked.
Oh yes, he loves it. His cage began to sink on my legs every time.
Sophie, you show me.
No problem, because John was not in a hurry to come.
Reluctantly, John approached us walking like a dog.
You will put you on your back on outstretched arms. John fact is that I asked him. I sat on his face. John immediately started licking me with an expert of the language.
Mary, who was near me, congratulated me for the beauty of my hairy sex.
While John was busy on my pussy, I approached Mary’s face and gave her a kiss on the mouth. I apologized and Mary took me by the neck and kissed me passionately in turn.
Mary touched my tits, I have very sensitive and I spat a wet spray on John’s face.
You have to be more active, John. You are more gifted usual.
I asked Mary to shake the cage to John, he licks me faster.
Mary said: But it moist. Yes its precum is abundant when excited.
Without demand, Mary grabbed John balls and squeezed his fingers. John let out a cry of pain. We told him to shut up and give me my pleasure.
Suddenly I started to take my foot loudly, releasing a big wet spray and moaning loudly.
Mary took my hand and started caressing my body.
She started kissing me passionately on the mouth.
Then I see that John put his hand on Mary. I started yelling at him and also for the slap.
Can you tell me what you do with your hands.
Maitresse Sophie forgiveness, forgiveness Mrs Mary. I do not know what came over me.
We’ll give you a good spanking to touch Mary without her permission.
We extend John the floor with a large pillow under the stomach.
Otherwise, we’ll crack his faster and stronger little slutty ass.
John began to weep like a little girl. He heaved sighs and Mary told me. It is always excited when spanking.
Sophie, you’re right, your husband is a wuss.
After a while we stopped spanking.
I called John. you stand with hands on head.
Mary said, My pillow was stained. John comes clean with his tongue what you have done. You have no shame. It looks like a little girl does not know to be clean
You must impose sanitary napkins
You have finished licking. Go to the corner with hands on head.
I took the hand of Mary. We went to bed to make love.
This is the first time I had sex with a girl. I am troubled and I really enjoyed it.
Mary told me. We’ll spend the night together making love.
John will put on the chair with his hands tied behind
Like Mary told me he puts this nightgown. We’ll put one of my little dirty panties on the nose and a scarf in his eyes.
Give me a cup. We’ll put it under the chastity belt because it flows abundantly.
Marie took me by the hand and we made love for a long time giving each time fun. We do not care for John because he has no interest.
Very late at night, we fell asleep tenderly entwined.
In the morning, we redid the love one last time.
Then we got up and we went to see John.
John still had Mary’s panties on the head. I told him to remove it. There were many tears. Do not cry. With your little sex in a cage, you can never do anything for your Mistress. I spent a fantastic night in Mary’s arms. I hope you enjoyed the show. I retrieved the cup that was in his legs. There was lots of precum.
Mary told me. You see happy to hear his wife make love to another woman.
Mary played a little with his cage. Breakfast was prepared.
John drank the contents of his cup under the perverse eyes of Mary.
He loves his seed that pig said Mary. Of course. When I empty with prostate milking, he drinks his cum like a whore.
After breakfast, we got ready to go home.
Before leaving, I started kissing passionately Mary who responded to my kisses.
I thank Mary for its hospitality and we returned
During the trip, I remember that I regularly had sex with a woman and I took enormous pleasure. Since I had a joyous mood, I fell to John pants and I had out of his cage for people to see how my husband was. Several people saw the state was John and some people applauded. I loved the humble in public. One lady even pleased to have put John in chastity. On my way home, I often think of that night of intense love with Mary.
Read the first part: Part One: Our Meeting and My Wedding Night
John After Four Months of Chastity
Part Three: Bisexual Female Domination & Male Humiliation,
Female Led Relationships - Female Superiority, Supremacy, Dominant Wives & Girlfriends, Woman Worship, Femdom Lifestyle