It has been ages since I first ran across the First Church of Female Supremacy aka the Cybelians.
A cult – of sorts – pushing female led marriages. Among the cult’s dogmas are these mandatory aspects of Cybelian marriage.
The first statutory aspect is that the man has absolutely no freedom – while at home he must always be naked and collared, the collar to be of the lockable variety. The second statutory aspect is that the man has no status other than that of a toilet for the woman’s use
When I first discovered them the Cybelians seemed humorlessly fanatical about the piss business. It was like sharing bread and wine are for Christians. They’ve also come to push sissyfication and cuckoldry.
Other aspects of a Cybelian marriage which are a matter of choice include cuckoldry – wherein it is the wife’s option to have sex with as many other men as she chooses, compliant physical punishments, humiliation, and extended restriction of freedom. Details of all these options can be found in the Cybelian Marriage Manual, available as an eBook direct from this website.
Aside from the marriage manual there’s a host of ebooks for sale. Topics include ancient secrets known only to the Cybelian elite, golden showers, extreme female domination.
I’ve always thought that the church and its messy interlocking set of websites exist to lure in the most sexually frustrated of men. Lonely submissive men make easy targets.
The name comes from the ancient cult Cybele: religious ecstatics who castrated themselves. Ancient castration device on the right.
Originally posted 2009-01-17 14:18:08. Republished by Blog Post Promoter

First Church of Female Supremacy
Female Led Relationships - Dominant Women, Submisive Men, Female Supremacy, Woman Worship, Wifedom